Info. on NCA/Maxim

utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!hao!menlo70!sytek!lynn utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!hao!menlo70!sytek!lynn
Fri Apr 8 10:36:24 AEST 1983

    Sytek is currently considering using the NCA software package
called MAXIM for its Manufacturing/Finance operating system. We
would be running it on a DEC. Question:
    1. Is anyone else using this system, how do you like it.
    2. Have you time-shared and or brought the system in-house.
    3. What are the major pluses or minuses to it from a user
       stand point.
    As this is a rather major decision any input from anyone on the
 Net would be greatly appreciated. 
          Thank you in advance,
           Lynn Saulter
           (415) 966-7300

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