Name problem with tree

utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!npoiv!npois!houxm!ihnp4!stolaf!borman utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!npoiv!npois!houxm!ihnp4!stolaf!borman
Thu Apr 7 12:08:42 AEST 1983

I received a letter from Lauren Weinstein today about the program
tree, of which I just released version 2.1.  Part of it follows:

	I already have a program called TREE, which is under
	copyright and has already had some distribution.  It
	will also be distributed widely with the MARC OS very
	shortly.  Since MARC commands are almost all the same
	as Unix commands, confusion with your new TREE program
	would probably occur and could be very bad news,
	especially since my tree has existed and been in use
	for over 2 years.  (It is a general purpose sub-tree
	manipulator, and rightly should be named "tree")."

Well, I guess I wasn't aware of this fact, and the obvious thing
to do is to change the name of my program. But before I haul off
and do that, I guess I'll take a little survey.  The obvious names
that come to mind are things like dirtree and dtree.  Greg Ordy
has already posted a program by the name dirtree, so I guess that
is out.  Does anyone have any objections to the name dtree?  If
I don't hear any objections, that is what I will rename the program,
and I will post a new manual page and diff for the source in one
week.  If you do have objections, let me know of a better name,
I'm open to ideas.
			-Dave Borman, {ihnp4|harpo}!stolaf!borman

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