problems with new warp 6.0

rcj at burl.UUCP rcj at burl.UUCP
Fri Aug 26 14:52:30 AEST 1983

This message is addressed to the person who made the "ifdef SPEC" and
other fixes to Larry Wall's masterpiece.  I am running USG 5.0 on a
Vax 11/780.

I added the -DSPEC to my makefile, and all went well.  I tried to run
warp and it said "define RAND16 and recompile".  Ok, you smartass program,
I muttered to myself.  I added the -DRAND16 and tried again, and again
it compiled.  I ran it and it:

a) Only covered about 1/6 (upper left) of the screen.
b) I did a 'j' from somewhere near the middle of this area and the
   enterprise replicated itself on the far left screen margin.
c) Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my original 4 Klingons have now multiplied
   to about 12.
d) I hit delete in disgust, the enterprise is in the middle of nowhere, and
   only 5 torpedoes come out; as if there were invisible stars behind and
   below me.
e) When I managed to quit the thing, it entered my score on the board in
   an incorrect format with the wrong name and AKA.

My question is:  what did I do wrong and what can I do to fix it?

ALSO, my apologies to other net readers; I sheepishly admit that I lost
the name and address of He-Who-Modified-Warp -- sorry to clutter the net
with something that should have gone out via mail,

The MAD Programmer -- 919-228-3814 (Cornet 291)
alias: Curtis Jackson	...![ floyd sb1 mhuxv ]!burl!rcj

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