Prolog library:

pereira at sri-unix.UUCP pereira at sri-unix.UUCP
Mon Aug 15 15:52:16 AEST 1983

/* FLAGRO.PL : Flag handling

						Updated: 30 March 81

	%%%  Compile this module
	%%%  FLAGRO requires no other modules

  /* EXPORT */

  :- public flag/3.

  /* MODES */

	:- mode flag(+,?,?).

% Flags are stored in the database keyed under the Flag itself with
% the information packaged into a functor as follows:
%		Flag --> '$flag'(Flag,Value)
% This routine maintains these flags returing previous values as Old and
% updating the flag to New each time. The code actually checks to see if
% this updating really requires changing the database.

	:- nonvar(X),
	   ( recorded(X,'$flag'(X,O),ID)  ;  O = 0 ),
	   ( Old == New,
	     Old = O	    ;	!,
				Old = O,
				( nonvar(ID), erase(ID)  ;  true ),

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