Prolog library: vcheck.hlp

pereira at sri-unix.UUCP pereira at sri-unix.UUCP
Mon Aug 15 16:07:13 AEST 1983

File:   Mec:Vcheck.Hlp   Author:  R.A.O'Keefe   Updated: 7 December 82
The purpose of this program is to help me (and others) debug Prolog programs.
It reads a Prolog source file clause by clause, and reports each clause that
contains a unique variable.  Vcheck worries about variables that only appear
once in a clause, unlike Wlist which only notices if a variable doesn't occur
elsewhere in the whole file.
Vcheck is now part of the Prolog ToolKit.  To run any of the Tools,
you type either of the Monitor commands
                .ToolKit                - if part of the DAI HPS group
                .ru ToolKit[400,444]    - otherwise
There are two Prolog commands available:
                ?- vcheck(File).        - check a particular file
                ?- vcheck.              - enter a command loop like COUNT
call give_help(count,files) for details.

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