Prolog library: prolog.hlp

pereira at sri-unix.UUCP pereira at sri-unix.UUCP
Mon Aug 15 16:00:56 AEST 1983

                  Prolog-10 and -20 Information

    Prolog is a simple and powerful language for interactive nonnumeric
processing, based on a restricted form of symbolic logic.

    The Prolog interpreter and compiler, and auxiliary files are in
directory <PROLOG>:

        Tops-20 Prolog interpreter and in-core compiler:  PROLOG.EXE

        Tops-10 Prolog interpreter:  PLOG10.EXE

        Tops-10 Prolog in-core compiler overlay:  PLCOMP.EXE

        Prolog Users Guide:  PROLOG.DOC

        Guide to Version 3 changes:  GUIDE3.MEM

        Guide to the Debugger:  DEBUG.MEM

        Prolog tutorial: TUTORI.LPT, with examples in TUTORI.PL

        A CAI program from Rutgers to teach yourself Prolog:  CAI.PL

To run the CAI program, copy it into your area, and then do the following:


Prolog will prompt with '?-' to which you respond:

	?- [''], hi.

>From then on the program will prompt you.  It is menu driven and the
only catch is that all entries must end with a stop character
followed by a carriage return.  The stop characters are period (.),
question mark (?), and exclamation mark (!).  The program will
terminate when requested, but it leaves you in Prolog.  To exit from
Prolog, type control-Z, or (in emergency) type control-C followed by
'm'.  The latter takes you to Prolog help level and thence back to
the Tops-20 monitor.

    Questions and problems should be directed to David Warren,
Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International, Menlo Park,
California 94025, telephone: (415) 859-2128, Arpanet: Warren at SRI-AI.

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