Some gripes about WARP (Estes Version)

mek at pyuxss.UUCP mek at pyuxss.UUCP
Tue Aug 30 07:26:46 AEST 1983

Warp Gripes:
Well, after about a week of getting warp to work and trying to
find the display bug, I decided I'd rather go back to having lunch during
my lunch hour.

WARP is irritating to play; it just plain doesn't handle the
screen properly: for instance, the beginning code causes the variable "DO"
to be set to the cursor down character, which on most terminals gets defined
as NL. This may be part of the confusion that results in the enterprise
or base ending up in the left margin whenever you type a 'J'. I tried
using the keypad down arrow character ("kd"), which seemed to work better,
but is not terminal independent. Further, there are some interesting
anomalies - for instance, if I try to move the enterprise into the base,
I sometimes get a bunch of B's and E's in the left side of the screen.
The opposition does "multiply" because the screen handler doesn't always
seem to clean out their characters (K, A, <, R) when they move.
I even tried to use the simple hp-1 terminal type, but that was no
major improvement.
All told, a great idea, but too bad it doesn't work.  Nice try.

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