
jbc at ut-sally.UUCP jbc at ut-sally.UUCP
Sun Aug 7 11:47:42 AEST 1983

Due to the requests we received at the Toronto USENIX
conference, we are posting a copy of the paper ``UNIX System
V and 4.1C BSD'' by John Chambers and John Quarterman on
several machines.  It appears on decvax, seismo, ut-ngp, and
ut-sally for copying with uucp, as ~uucp/compare (this
message) and ~uucp/compare.[123] (the paper, 15 pages per
file).  It is available over the ARPANET from utexas-11 as
~ftp/compare.doc (login ftp, password guest, retrieve

This posting to net.sources will be in 9 sections, 3 per day.

This copy is exactly like the one which will appear in the
proceedings.  There will probably be a later version called
``UNIX System V and 4.2BSD'' when we get a 4.2 tape.  That
version will also contain revisions according to comments we
received at USENIX and after; the present version does not,
as we cannot work on it now but nonetheless wish to satisfy
the numerous requests for copies.

     John Chambers                   John Quarterman
     ihnp4!ut-ngp!ut-sally!jbc       ihnp4!ut-ngp!ut-sally!jsq
     jbc at utexas-11.ARPA              jsq at utexas-11.ARPA

     409-761-1813                    512-454-2668

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