program to print table of contents

dixon at ihuxa.UUCP dixon at ihuxa.UUCP
Wed Aug 10 01:40:40 AEST 1983

Last week in this newsgroup I asked about the function dup2() and a Unix 5.0
equivalent. I would like to thank the many people who replied to my request.
To summarize their replies:

1.) For dup2(arg1, arg2) use fcntl(arg1, F_DUPFD, arg2) in Unix 5.0. Note
    that fcntl() requires the header file fcntl.h.

2.) dup2() is NOT a feature of Berkeley Unix but rather was in USG Unix V7.
    (It has been some years since V7 has been used here at IH BTL.)

d a dixon     ihuxa!dixon

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