
jsq at ut-sally.UUCP jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
Tue Aug 9 07:14:36 AEST 1983

                                     - 32 -

          8.2.3  _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t__(_T_C_P_/_I_P_)  Both TCP and UDP are available for
          use  with  IP  either  on  the  local  network  or  over the
          internet.  ICMP is supported, and  there  are  some  gateway

               The  socket  IPC,  together  with  a  network  library,
          provides  many  of  the functions of the Session layer.  The
          socket type SOCK_STREAM, which provides a reliable, ordered,
          byte   stream,   is   currently   supported  by  TCP,  while
          SOCK_DGRAM, providing datagram service, is supported by UDP.
          There is no internet protocol to support SOCK_SEQPACKET, for
          sequenced packets.  SOCK_RAW allows direct  access  to,  for
          instance,  the  IMP interface, for debugging and development
          of new protocols.  Only the superuser is  permitted  to  use
          this socket type.

               At  the  Applications  layer,  the  Internet  protocols
          Telnet, FTP, SMTP, and TFTP are supported.

          8.2.4  _B_e_r_k_e_l_e_y__p_r_o_t_o_c_o_l_s  The _b_e_r_k_n_e_t facilities of 4.1 are
          officially removed from 4.1C and 4.2.

               There are  also  various  new  protocols  developed  at
          Berkeley,  including  remote  login among machines under the
          same  administration  without  passwords   (_r_l_o_g_i_n/_r_l_o_g_i_n_d).
          Remote  shells  and  remote  procedure  calls (_c_o_u_r_i_e_r_d) are
          supported, as are file copy (_r_c_p/_r_s_h_d), and status protocols
          such  as  the  one  that  supports _r_w_h_o and _r_u_p_t_i_m_e (_r_w_h_o_d).
          This latter takes advantage of the broadcast packet facility
          of  Ethernets and rings to exchange status information about
          who is on what system and what systems are up on  the  local
          network.  (The idea is easily extensible to networks without
          broadcast packets.) Some of these protocols use UDP and some
          use TCP.

               These protocols make use of  several  machines  over  a
          local network or networks quite convenient.

          8.3  UUCP

               Both systems support UUCP, though the details  diverge:
          System V  allows _u_u_c_p copy addresses to specify paths across
          multiple systems (as for mail),  while  4.1C  still  permits
          copies   only  between  adjacent  systems.   Naturally,  all
          systems in a multisystem path  must  be  running  _u_u_c_p  with
          forwarding to properly effect forwarding.

               4.2 has  all  well-known  _u_u_c_p  bugs  fixed.   It  also
          supports  more than half a dozen auto-dialers.  The spooling
          directories have been made sane.

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               The _c_u command is retained in System V, but dropped  by
          4.1C  in  favor  of  _t_i_p.   _T_i_p gets parameters for a remote
          system from /etc/remote (yet another _t_e_r_m_c_a_p-like  file)  so
          it is possible to just type

               tip system-name

          and be connected to the remote system (whose  name,  _s_y_s_t_e_m-
          _n_a_m_e,  is  in /etc/remote), without having to know the phone
          number or devices involved.

               If the _c_u interface is desired, linking _t_i_p  to  _c_u  is
          all  that  is  required to get it.  Various _c_u-like commands
          are supported directly by _t_i_p.

               System V includes a  library  routine,  _d_i_a_l,  used  to
          establish  a dialout connection. This routine is used by _c_u,
          but, curiously, _u_u_c_i_c_o still relies on the same  old  conn.c

          8.4  USENET

               Neither system includes USENET  news  program  sources.
          4.2  will  provide both USENET programs (_r_e_a_d_n_e_w_s, _p_o_s_t_n_e_w_s,
          et al.) and notesfiles, as user contributed software.

               In any case, the best version of news is clearly  Bnews
          2.10, which has been distributed over USENET.  One method to
          get it might be to set up a UUCP connection to a neighboring
          USENET site and copy it over.

               The USENET and UUCP  networks  have  become  widespread
          enough that connection to them is certainly beneficial.

          9.  Performance

               This is a sticky issue  which  we  will  not  treat  in
          detail,   as   this   is   not   a   performance  evaluation
          presentation.  We will give a few tentative benchmarks,  and
          mention two qualitative performance areas.

          9.1  Some Qualitative Remarks

               Two important areas where performance varies widely due
          to  system  configuration  and usage are paging vs. swapping
          and terminal I/O.

          9.1.1  _P_a_g_i_n_g__v_s_.__s_w_a_p_p_i_n_g  System V, like System III,  32V,
          V7,  and all the PDP-11 Unixes, swaps, while 4.1C, like 4.1,
          pages.  With enough memory on a VAX-11/780, it is  difficult

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          to  tell  the  difference  for  a  load  of small processes,
          because System V just doesn't swap.

               If it is desirable to run huge  graphics  processes  or
          many  Emacs editors or the like, the telling point is not so
          much the performance as the virtual address  space  provided
          by  the 4.1C paging system.  Such things as LISP _r_e_q_u_i_r_e the
          large address space paging provides, and _I_n_g_r_e_s is much more
          usable  with  it, since it can run as one process instead of
          half a dozen.

               We certainly do not intend to indicate,  however,  that
          we think paging and swapping produce equivalent performance.
          There are many technical papers on  comparative  performance
          that  indicate  paging  gives much better performance; it is
          merely that our (admittedly  idiosyncratic)  experience  was
          that  under  a  light load it is hard to tell the difference
          without measuring it.

          9.1.2  _T_e_r_m_i_n_a_l__I_/_O  Using DH11 terminal  controllers,  4.1C
          provides  reasonable terminal I/O performance.  Berkeley has
          modified  the  DZ11  driver  sufficiently  that  even  these
          (basically  interrupt per character) devices are usable.  It
          should  be  remembered  that  DEC  does  not  provide   DH11
          controllers for VAXen.  This affects DEC maintenance, though
          similar hardware is available from other vendors.

               If you need numerous terminals running at 9600 baud  or
          higher, the System V combination of DZ11s and KMC11 terminal
          controllers seems preferable.  The other side of  this  coin
          is  that  little  choice  has  been left for System V users,
          since  DH-11  driver  support  is  not   included   in   the
          distribution  and  since  DZs  alone  are  unlikely to yield
          acceptable response.

          9.2  Tentative Benchmarks

               These measurements were taken on a VAX-11/780 with  six
          megabytes of memory and a single RP07 disk.

               The disk was partitioned into three sections which  had
          similar  sizes under the two operating systems.  The various
          kernel parameters were chosen by  configuring  4.1C  for  32
          users,  and,  for System V, by picking the largest parameter
          values  suggested  in  the  documentation.   The   resulting
          numbers  of  buffers,  inode and file structures, etc., were
          similar.  Memory was interleaved.

               No particular care was taken beyond these steps to tune
          either system to its maximum performance.

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               The numbers given here should not taken too  literally,
          but only as indicative.

          9.2.1  _L_o_a_d__s_i_m_u_l_a_t_i_o_n  This was done using a  program  that
          forks _p_t_y_s instances of itself, and then each _p_t_y* repeats a
          _j_o_b forever, or rather, until the _r_u_n is over, as decided by
          the original parent program.   The  _j_o_b  is  a  brief  shell
          script  that  uses commands common to both systems, as found
          on each system.  Sources to compile with _c_c were taken  from
          System V  to  avoid  the  long  filename problem.  They were
          carefully picked to avoid any System V  peculiarities,  such
          as  _g_e_t_o_p_t.   Files  to  use with _n_r_o_f_f were also taken from
          System V, for no particular reason.

               The output was redirected to a file to  avoid  terminal
          I/O considerations.

               Repeated runs  were  taken  until  the  job  throughput
          stopped  decreasing  due  to  file  system degradation.  The
          following figures were obtained:

               ptys              1     2     4     8    16

                                System V

               jobs/hour/pty   46    25    13    6.4   3.2
               jobs/hour       46    50    51    51     51

                                4.1C BSD

               jobs/hour/pty   60    32    16     8      4
               jobs/hour       60    64    64    64     64

               The total number of jobs per  hour  increased  slightly
          from one to two ptys, and then remained constant, as all CPU
          cycles were absorbed.  The number of jobs  per  pty  is,  of
          course, just the total divided by the number of ptys.

               We  interpret  these  results  to  mean  that  4.1C  is
          noticeably  faster  than  System V.   We  do  not  state the
          obvious figure of 25%, because the results could  easily  be
          varied by, for instance, increasing the amount of file I/O a
          job uses (to take advantage of the faster 4.1C file system),


            * No _p_t_y devices were used:  this term is used only for

                                     - 36 -

          or by using larger processes (to  force  System V  to  swap,
          which it never did with the above job).

               Tuning either kernel could, of course, vary the results
          either way.

               Definitive benchmarks will have to await the release of

          9.2.2  _F_i_l_e__s_y_s_t_e_m__t_h_r_o_u_g_h_p_u_t  Our experience has been  that
          the  4.1C  filesystem  is  markedly faster than the System V
          one.  However, the actual figures vary so much according  to
          the  size  of  the  files used, the transfer block size, the
          filesystem block size, whether memory is interleaved or not,
          etc.  (though  under  all  conditions  we have tried 4.1C is
          faster than System V), that it would take  some  months  and
          another paper the size of this one to deal with the problem.
          Rather than present partial and possibly misleading figures,
          we have decided to not present any.

          10.  Vendor Support

               The  amount  and  variety  of  support  for  UNIX   has
          increased dramatically over the last few years.

          10.1  Western Electric

               Western Electric supports System V  on  VAXes  and  the
          larger  PDP-11s,  providing  software  assistance  and  user
          training.  (User training is now available, though  software
          assistance has apparently not yet been fully implemented.)

          10.2  U.C. Berkeley

               The  University  of  California  at  Berkeley   cannot,
          because  of the nature of the institution and of the funding
          used to support the development of  Berkeley  UNIX,  provide
          commercial  support.   They do, however, accept bug reports,
          which may affect future versions.  See below on _D_E_C.

          10.3  DEC

               Digital Equipment Corporation has announced  they  will
          support  UNIX in the manner they have supported VMS as a VAX
          operating system (and they will also support it  on  PDP-11s
          (_V_7_M)).   This  is apparently basically Berkeley UNIX, i.e.,
          4BSD (and 2BSD).

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