Public Domain NRO - READ_ME

jordan at mddc.UUCP jordan at mddc.UUCP
Tue Aug 16 03:23:43 AEST 1983

This version of NRO came from the C User's Group in Yates, Kansas.
The I/O was changed to run under Unix V7 style I/O, and other than that, no
modifications have been made to it.
	In the init() function, pg.lineno must be modified to suit your
printer; it wants the line number the print head is on when you do a top
of form.  On my printer, the way I position the paper, it will start printing
on the second line, so there is a value of 2 there.

	I would be interested in seeing any modifications anyone makes to
this program in the way of extended capabilities, macro packages, and printer
enhancements.  If you have problems in the logic itself, you should contact
the author.

		Happy Hacking,

		Jordan Bortz


P.S. I tried compiling it on 4.1 BSD, and it didn't work.  It works okay
	on my MS-DOS computer running Computer Innovations Ci C86, so
	there may be portability problems.

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