TAX source & manual

marks at ihuxx.UUCP marks at ihuxx.UUCP
Thu Aug 25 08:12:42 AEST 1983

  #TAX - a program to figure US federal withholding tax.
  #simply save this file and execute as a shell procedure
echo extracting:
echo tax.c
cat > tax.c <<'NEWFILE'
#include <stdio.h>

/*	taxpayer class modifiers -
 *		used to modify the following arrays' column index
 *		that initially equates to a married, monthly paid
 *		person.
 *	there are four taxpayer classes
 *		 single, paid weekly (0)
 *		married, paid weekly (1)
 *		 single, paid monthly (2)
 *		married, paid monthly (3)
#define MARRIED			1	/* filing status */
#define MONTHLY			2	/* paid monthly */
#define NOofCLASSES		4   /* 0+0, 0+1, 2+0, and 2+1 */

 *	There are 7 tax brackets.
#define NOofBRACKETS	7

 *	floor[][] and ceiling[][] give the lower
 *	and upper bounds, repectively, on taxable
 *	wages for a particular tax bracket (bracket[][]).
 *	tax[][] is the base tax for the associated bracket.
double floor[ NOofBRACKETS ][ NOofCLASSES ] = {
	  27.00,	  46.00,	 117.00,	 200.00,
	  79.00,	 185.00,	 342.00,	 800.00,
	 183.00,	 369.00,	 792.00,	1598.00,
	 277.00,	 454.00,	1200.00,	1967.00,
	 423.00,	 556.00,	1833.00,	2408.00,
	 525.00,	 658.00,	2317.00,	2850.00,
	 637.00,	 862.00,	2758.00,	3733.00 

/*	MAXGROSS is only used as a place holder in the
 *	array and has no affect on the tax calculation.
 *	It should be greater than the largest ceiling.
#define MAXGROSS	9999.00

double ceiling[ NOofBRACKETS ][ NOofCLASSSES ] = {
	  79.00,	 185.00,	 342.00,	 800.00,
	 183.00,	 369.00,	 792.00,	1598.00,
	 277.00,	 454.00,	1200.00,	1967.00,
	 423.00,	 556.00,	1833.00,	2408.00,
	 525.00,	 658.00,	2317.00,	2850.00,
	 637.00,	 862.00,	2758.00,	3733.00, 

double baseTax[ NOofBRACKETS ][ NOofCLASSES ] = {
	   0.00,	   0.00,	   0.00,	   0.00,
	   6.24,	  16.68,	  27.00,	  72.00,
	  21.84,	  47.96,	  94.50,	 207.66,
	  39.70,	  66.66,	 172.02,	 288.84,
	  76.20,	  92.16,	 330.27,	 399.09,
	 109.80,	 120.72,	 475.47,	 522.85,
	 144.48,	 188.04,	 625.41,	 814.24

double bracket[ NOofBRACKETS ][ NOofCLASSES ] = {
		.12,		.12,		.12,		.12,
		.15,		.17,		.15,		.17,
		.19,		.22,		.19,		.22,
		.25,		.25,		.25,		.25,
		.30,		.28,		.30,		.28,
		.34,		.33,		.34,		.33,
		.37,		.37,		.37,		.37

#define EXEMPTION		1000.00

main(argc, argv)
int		argc;
char	*argv[]; {

extern char	*optarg;
extern int	optind;

	double	gross = 1000, net, tax, taxw;
	int		payperiods = 12, nexemptions = 2, j = MARRIED + MONTHLY;
	int		i = 0, netflag = 0;
	char	c;

	 * The above initial values represent a married
	 * taxpayer paid a monthly gross income of $1000.

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "e:g:np:s:")) != EOF) {
		switch (c) {
			case 'e':
					sscanf(optarg, "%d", &nexemptions);
			case 'g':
					sscanf(optarg, "%f", &gross);
			case 'n':
			case 'p':
					if (*optarg == 'w') {
						payperiods = 52;
						j -= MONTHLY;
			case 's':
					if (*optarg == 's') {
						j -= MARRIED;
			default :
					fprintf(stderr, "tax: bad option\n");
	if (optind == 1) {
	if (gross > 200) {
		taxw = gross - (nexemptions * EXEMPTION / payperiods);
		i = 0;
		while (taxw < floor[i][j] || taxw > ceiling[i][j]) {
			 * I choose not to limit the maximum taxable wage
			 * since others may be more fortunate than myself ;-)
			 * Rather, we just jump out of the loop when the
			 * taxable wage exceeds the maximum and just use
			 * the maximum values for the bracket.
			if (i == (NOofBRACKETS - 1))
		tax = baseTax[i][j] + ((taxw - floor[i][j]) * bracket[i][j]);
	} else {
		tax = 0;
	fprintf(stdout, "%.2f\n", tax);
	if (netflag)
		fprintf(stdout, "-n%.2f\n", (gross - tax));

usage() {

	fprintf(stdout, "usage: tax [-g grossPay] [-e numberOfExemptions]\n");
	fprintf(stdout, "           [-n] [-p monthly | weekly]\n");
	fprintf(stdout, "           [-s married | single]\n");
echo extracting:
echo tax.1
cat > tax.1 <<'NEWFILE'
tax  \- Calculate federal withholding tax
.B tax
[ option ]
.I Tax
takes command line inputs, calculates a value for
federal withholding tax, and writes the result to the
standard output. 
The following options are interpreted by
.I tax .
.TP 8
.B \-g G
results in
.B G
being interpretted as the gross pay for the calculation.
.TP 8
.B \-e E
results in
.B E
being interpretted as the number of exemptions.
The gross pay will be reduced by the number of exemptions
multiplied by the exemption amount and divided by the
pay period.
.TP 8
.B \-n
results in the string
.B "-n N"
being written to the standard output.
.B N
is the net pay (gross pay - withholding).
.TP 8
.B \-p
The argument following the
.B \-p
flag determines the pay period.
Allowable values are
.B monthly
(default) or 
.B weekly.
.TP 8
.B \-s
The argument following the
.B \-s
flag determines the filing status.
Allowable values are
.B married
(default) or
.B single.
.RS 10
tax -g 5000 -e 3 -p w -s single
will output the withholding tax for a single taxpayer
paid $5000/week (a high-roller) who has 3 exemptions.
The diagnostics produced by
.B tax
should be self-explanatory.
Mark Wm. Beckner

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