New warp fix

estes at tty3b.UUCP estes at tty3b.UUCP
Sat Aug 27 02:39:54 AEST 1983

	If you've defined RAND16 and have all the stars in the upper left
corner of the screen, that means that your random number generator is only
15 bits.  Change the appropriate define's after "#ifdef RAND16".
RANDRAND should be 26843546.0 and HALFRAND should be 0x4000.  Also change
any reference to 65535 to 32767, and declare rand() as int.

	I didn't catch this before, because I thought it was feature to have
3/4 of the screen free of stars.  Dummy me! :-)

	Ted Estes
	Teletype Corp., Skokie, IL
	{otuxa, we13, ihnp4}!tty3b!estes

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