
jsq at ut-sally.UUCP jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
Sun Aug 14 14:13:01 AEST 1983

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          2.2.8  _T_i_m_i_n_g  In 4.1C, all times are returned in a  machine
          independent  format,  viz., seconds and microseconds.  There
          is  also  improved  timezone   flexibility.    (Systems   in
          Australia   and   Europe   should   no   longer   experience
          difficulties with timezones.)

               4.1C uses a simulated 100 Hertz line  clock  to  report
          times  more  accurately than before.  The new system call to
          replace _f_t_i_m_e and _t_i_m_e is  called  _g_e_t_t_i_m_e_o_f_d_a_y.   Profiling
          using _p_r_o_f is also affected.

               The _g_e_t_i_t_i_m_e_r and _s_e_t_i_t_i_m_e_r system calls allow the  use
          of three interval timers, one for real time, one for virtual
          time (i.e., the time the process is actually  running),  and
          one  for  user  and  system virtual time.  The latter allows
          interpreters to be profiled, that is, keeping track of  when
          the  interpreted  program,  rather  than the interpreter, is
          running.  These timers had a bug in 4.1C, but work  properly
          in 4.2.

          2.2.9  _I_P_C  The old MPX and FIFO IPC  mechanisms  have  been
          largely  superseded by the new mechanisms discussed below in
          the section on _I_P_C.

          2.3  Libraries and Subroutines

               There are many changes in this section.

          2.3.1  _C_o_m_m_o_n__O_b_j_e_c_t__F_i_l_e__F_o_r_m_a_t__r_o_u_t_i_n_e_s  System V  adds  a
          number of routines to provide specialized open, close, seek,
          and read operations for files written in the  Common  Object
          File Format (see below).

          2.3.2  _U_t_m_p__r_o_u_t_i_n_e_s  In accordance with substantial changes
          to the format of the _u_t_m_p structure (see below) in System V,
          a collection of  routines  similar  to  those  provided  for
          manipulating  the password file have been added to deal with
          the /etc/utmp and /etc/wtmp files.

          2.3.3  _F_7_7__l_i_b_r_a_r_y   See  above  under  _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g  _s_u_p_p_o_r_t
          _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t_s for f77.

          2.3.4  _K_n_u_t_h__a_l_g_o_r_i_t_h_m_s  In addition to  the  binary  search
          (_b_s_e_a_r_c_h)  and  linear search (_l_s_e_a_r_c_h) algorithms available
          in System III, System V provides routines for searching hash
          tables (_h_s_e_a_r_c_h) and binary trees (_t_s_e_a_r_c_h).

               A related  UNIX-specific  utility,  _f_t_w,  provides  the
          ability  to recursively descend a directory tree, applying a
          user-supplied function at each node.  (In other words, it is
          the subroutine equivalent of the _f_i_n_d command.)

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          2.3.5  _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e__s_i_g_n_a_l_s__a_n_d__m_a_t_h_e_r_r  System V preserves  the
          _s_s_i_g_n_a_l   (and   the   associated   _g_s_i_g_n_a_l)  facility  from
          System III, allowing  the  user  to  raise  and  dispose  of
          software signals.

               A  related  topic  is  the  inclusion  in  System V  of
          _m_a_t_h_e_r_r,  an  error-handler invoked by functions in the math
          library.  The user may supply his own version of _m_a_t_h_e_r_r  to
          control the disposition of such errors.

               4.1C preserves the software signals  added  in  4.1  to
          support  the  job  control features of the Cshell; these are
          related to the ``new tty'' line discipline.  (4.2 provides a
          new signal interface.)

          2.3.6  _S_t_d_i_o__b_u_f_f_e_r_i_n_g  4.1C  buffers  output  even  if  the
          output  file is a terminal, but flushes all terminal or pipe
          output when the process attempts to read from a terminal  or
          a  pipe.  4.1C adapts its buffer size according to the block
          size of the file system containing the  relevant  files,  to
          produce a marked speed improvement.

               The System V stdio buffers have been increased and  the
          string-oriented   output  functions  have  been  changed  to
          provide  pseudo-line  buffered  output   to   terminals   if
          buffering  has  not  been specified explicitly.  As in 4.1C,
          output is flushed on terminal reads.

               Both systems  keep  stderr  unbuffered.   (The  calling
          program may, of course, determine the buffering via _s_e_t_b_u_f.)

               In 4.2 _p_e_r_r_o_r does a  single  write  (using  _w_r_i_t_e_v  to
          gather  the  arguments)  to alleviate the problem of single-
          character network transfers, but _s_t_d_e_r_r is still unbuffered.

          2.3.7  _P_r_i_n_t_f    System V   has   dropped   the   System III
          (undocumented)   _v_p_r_i_n_t_f  and  _v_f_p_r_i_n_t_f,  retaining  the  V7
          (undocumented) _d_o_p_r_n_t routine, such  as  is  still  used  in
          4.1C.   The  old (undocumented) %r format has apparently not
          been restored, however.

               In a similar vein,  certain  Berkeley  programs  assume
          that   _s_p_r_i_n_t_f   returns  the  address  of  the  buffer,  an
          undocumented feature that  has  been  changed  and  properly
          documented  in System V (the number of characters written is

               System V _p_r_i_n_t_f follows the System III standard,  which
          abolished  the  old  capital letter formats ("%X", "%F") for
          long variables in favor of the prepended-`l' ("%lx",  "%lf")
          format   so   that  capital  letters  can  be  used  in  the

                                     - 14 -

          hexadecimal and  floating  point  formats  to  mean  capital
          letters in the output stream.

               4.1C has basically the V7 _p_r_i_n_t_f and _s_c_a_n_f.

               The _p_r_i_n_t_f  and  _s_c_a_n_f  formats  are  still  not  fully
          compatible in either system.

          2.3.8  _S_t_r_i_n_g__r_o_u_t_i_n_e_s  As in System III,  System V  changes
          the  V7  (and 4BSD) _i_n_d_e_x and _r_i_n_d_e_x functions to _s_t_r_c_h_r and
          _s_t_r_r_c_h_r, respectively, as well as adding  a  few  additional
          string   routines  reminiscent  of  certain  SNOBOL  pattern

               System V also provides new routines  to  perform  basic
          memory-to-memory  operations  (copy, compare, etc.) based on
          byte count rather than a terminating null character.

               4.1C provides the same functions via  the  _b_c_o_p_y  _b_c_m_p,
          and  _b_z_e_r_o  routines, which are now in the C library as well
          as the kernel.

          2.3.9  _N_e_t_w_o_r_k__l_i_b_r_a_r_y   The  4.1C  C  library  contains   a
          collection  of routines used for translating network-related
          names and numbers, such as _g_e_t_h_o_s_t_b_y_n_a_m_e,  which  takes  the
          name  of  a  host and returns its address.  There are also a
          few routines for manipulating  the  byte  order  of  network
          addresses,  such  as  _h_t_o_n_l,  which  converts a network host
          address from network to host byte order, and  some  routines
          brought  up  from  the kernel that are used for manipulating
          byte arrays, such as _b_z_e_r_o, which clears a byte array.

          2.4  Devices

               Details of device drivers are beyond the scope of  this
          paper.   We  only  mention  a  few corresponding to the most
          important devices.

          2.4.1  _T_t_y  See above under _i_o_c_t_l for a  discussion  of  the
          terminal driver changes.

          2.4.2  _D_H_-_1_1  System V provides no  support  for  the  DH-11
          terminal  controller.   Although DEC no longer supports this
          device, many installations  either  still  own  DEC  DHs  or
          emulations  from  other vendors.  Also, DEC now supports the
          Emulex DH-11  emulation  (CS21/H).   The  replacement  is  a
          combination   of   DZ-11s   controlled   by  KMC-11Bs.   The
          System III dh driver is probably portable to  System V,  but
          of course you must acquire a System III distribution.

                                     - 15 -

          2.4.3  _K_M_C_-_1_1_B  System V  no  longer  supports  the  KMC-11A

               The KMC-11B may be used in conjunction with DZ-11s  for
          offloading  terminal I/O processing; it now performs batched
          character transfers, an improvement over  the  character-at-
          a-time behavior (a bug) exhibited by System III.

               The KMC-11B, as well as the KMS11  (KMC11  plus  DMS11-
          DA),  is  also  used  as  the  ``Programmable Communications
          Device'' (PCD) on which link-level protocols are implemented
          under VPM.

          2.4.4  _V_P_M  The Virtual Protocol Machine (VPM) is a  package
          which  supports a high-level definition language for level 2
          protocols to be handled by an interpreter running in a  PCD.
          In  this  manner,  IBM  RJE,  a  synchronous pseudo-terminal
          interface, and several network protocols, including X.25 but
          not TCP/IP, may be supported.

          2.4.5  _S_y_n_c_h_r_o_n_o_u_s__t_e_r_m_i_n_a_l  System V documents support  for
          a  synchronous  terminal  interface  utilizing  the  _V_i_r_t_u_a_l
          _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l  _M_a_c_h_i_n_e,  but  it  was   not   included   in   the

          2.4.6  _B_L_I_T  At the time of this writing, the driver for the
          Teletype  5620  bit-mapped  terminal was available only as a
          System V-compatible binary object.

          2.4.7  _P_t_y_s  4.1C has a pseudo-terminal  driver  to  support
          network  connections.   This  is  actually  a driver for two
          devices, a slave (/dev/ttyp?) and a master (/dev/ptyp?) end,
          where  the slave end looks exactly like an ordinary terminal
          and the master end (used by network daemons such as  _r_l_o_g_i_n_d
          and  _t_e_l_n_e_t_d)  has a few extra _i_o_c_t_ls to aid in simulating a

               This device is quite important in the common  situation
          in which there are few directly-connected terminals and most
          users log in over a local network.

               Pseudo-terminals are also important for  such  programs
          as _E_m_a_c_s and _s_c_r_i_p_t.

          2.4.8  _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_i_z_e_d__d_i_s_k__d_r_i_v_e_r     System V    provides    a
          generalized  driver  _g_d for several moving-head disks (RM05,
          RM80, RP04/5/6/7).

               The System V driver may be derived from the Berkeley _h_p
          driver, which supports all MASSBUS drives.

                                     - 16 -

               The  drive  type  is  determined  in  both  systems  by
          examining  the device type register and then using different
          parameter tables per drive.

          2.4.9  _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_i_z_e_d__t_a_p_e__d_r_i_v_e_r  A generalized tape driver _g_t
          similar  to  the  generalized  disk  driver  is  provided by
          System V.  This driver offers a  general  interface  to  the
          TE16 and TU78 style tape drives.

               The Berkeley _h_t drivers support all MASSBUS tape drives
          except the TU78, which is supported by the _m_t driver.

               Again, device information is  determined  by  examining
          the device hardware type register.

          2.5  File Formats

               A few file formats are worth mention.   In  particular,
          System V has reorganized several standard file formats, with
          important consequences.

          2.5.1  _A_._o_u_t  The details of the binary object  file  format
          for  commands  are  sufficiently  different  between the two
          systems that it is not possible to run an object  file  from
          one system on the other.

               The Common Object File Format (_C_O_F_F) has  been  adopted
          in  System V as the standard output format for programs such
          as _a_s and _l_d in  an  effort  to  provide  uniformity  across
          several  processors  and  compatibility  with  certain other
          operating systems.  The traditional  UNIX  _a._o_u_t  header  is
          included  as  a  part of the _C_O_F_F header information.  Other
          _C_O_F_F information includes such things as the architecture of
          the  host  on  which the file was created, line numbers if a
          symbolic debugging option was in effect at compile time, and
          so forth.

               The _c_o_n_v_e_r_t utility may be used to convert pre-System V
          objects to _C_O_F_F.

          2.5.2  _A_r  The System V format for file archives has changed
          somewhat  from previous releases of UNIX.  In particular, an
          archive now includes a symbol  directory  created  from  the
          symbol  tables  of  all archive members which are in _C_O_F_F to
          allow _l_d to  perform  random  access  on  the  archive.   In
          addition,   numeric   data   in   headers  (archive,  symbol
          directory, member) is stored as 4-byte quantities and should
          be portably accessed using the _s_p_u_t_l and _s_g_e_t_l library calls
          from libld.a.

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