Error/Problem with Vtclock.c

larry at ihuxf.UUCP larry at ihuxf.UUCP
Fri Dec 9 09:38:20 AEST 1983

I really didn't understand the comment about the cursor save escape code
having to be typed in from the terminal -- I know that I just put the "\0337"
in there and it works just fine!

This brings up another point (that a couple people tripped over).  The esacpe
codes were all given as: \33  --which SOMETIMES is fine, until the escape is
followed by another valid OCTAL number -as in "\337" -- our compiler here did
NOT make this an escape char followed by an ascii 7, instead it generated the
single character for 337(octal).  To be safe, I went thru and editted all the
\33 and changed them to \033  --after that all worked fine.

		Larry Marek

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