a bug in the recently posted curses - (nf)

olson at fortune.UUCP olson at fortune.UUCP
Wed Dec 28 06:06:11 AEST 1983

fortune!olson    Dec 27 11:38:00 1983

We discovered a bug in the 'new' libcurses distributed by Ken
Arnold several months ago.  It seems that several of the files
included have either earlier version #'s, or the same version #'s, but
earlier dates.  The only case we have verified as causing a bug so far
is in getstr.c.  The newly distributed version was 1.3, while the one we
have in our sources from Berkeley is 1.4, with a  later date.  The
bug is on the 'while' line.  The line ends with a ';', there should be
none.  As a result, the pointer is never incremented.

(Since the new curses was posted to this group, I thought it better to
post this article here, rather than to net.bugs.4bsd.)

The diff listing follows:
	<  * 4/29/81 (Berkeley) @(#)getstr.c	1.3
	>  * 7/2/81 (Berkeley) @(#)getstr.c	1.4
	< 	while ((*str = wgetch(win)) != ERR && *str != '\n');
	> 	while ((*str = wgetch(win)) != ERR && *str != '\n')
	Dave Olson, Fortune Systems {ihnp4,harpo,ucbvax!amd70}!fortune!olson

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