Graphics source in C: hsalgs/task_master.c

Ken Turkowski ken at turtleva.UUCP
Thu Dec 22 16:27:44 AEST 1983

echo x - hsalgs/task_master.c
cat >hsalgs/task_master.c <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
    task_master.c - distributes display tasks to various processes
        based on priority information from obj_sort and program names
        and file names gathered by scn_assmblr

#include "scn_assmblr.h"

extern  short   ramp_lnth;                           /* scn_assmblr globals */
extern  double  view_angle,ambient_lite;

static  char    *dvc;              /* i/o and device characteristics globals */
static  short   bits,divisions,frmnum;
static  FILE    *popen(),*stream;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TASK_MASTER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
object_def obj_array[];
char *device;    short num_bits,screen_divs,frame_num;
struct { short obj,insep; } p_list[];
{   short i,cnt,cluster,pseudo_color;    object_def *object;

    dvc = device;   bits = num_bits; /* get globals */
    divisions = screen_divs;    frmnum = frame_num;
    if ((bits == 8) || (bits == 10))    pseudo_color = TRUE;
    else                                pseudo_color = FALSE;
    if (!bits)  stream = popen("poly_drawl","w");       /* start line_drawer */

    cluster = FALSE;
    cnt = 0;    while (p_list[cnt].obj != 0) cnt++;  /* count displayed objs */

    /* ------------ call rendering algorithms in  priority order ----------- */
    for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
    {   short j,k;
        j = (pseudo_color)?  cnt-1 - i : i;  /* reverse order if pseudo_color */
        k = (pseudo_color)?  j-1 : j;
        object = &obj_array[p_list[j].obj];
                  /* start up display process for object and pipe input to it */
        if ((bits) && (!cluster))                         /* separable object */
        {   stream = popen(object->display,"w");      /* start up new process */
            if (stream == NULL)
                 fprintf(stderr," can't execute %s \n",object->display);
        printf(" %s ",object->name);
        if (p_list[k].insep) printf("clustered with\n");    else  printf("\n");
        object_output(obj_array,object,cluster);  /* write stream for process */

        object->new_mtx = FALSE;                   /* tag to save later work */
        cluster = p_list[k].insep;      /* tag if clustered with next object */
        if (!bits) cluster = TRUE; /* line drawings treated as single cluster */
        if ((bits) && (!cluster)) pclose(stream);

    if (!bits) pclose(stream);                      /* close stream if lines */

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OBJECT_OUTPUT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
object_output(obj_array,object,cluster)    /* send object to display program */
object_def obj_array[],*object;    short cluster;
{   short k,l;    float light_postn[3];
    /* ------------------- initialize display if new cluster --------------- */
    if (!cluster)
    {   if      (strcmp(dvc,"bb") == 0)              /* display on big buffer */
            fprintf(stream,"device\t\t%s %d %d %d\n",dvc,bits,divisions,frmnum);
        else if (strcmp(dvc,"fb") == 0)            /* display on frame buffer */
            fprintf(stream,"device\t\t%s %d\n",dvc,frmnum);
        else if (strcmp(dvc,"aed") == 0)           /* display on AED terminal */
        else if (!bits)                                       /* line drawing */
        else                                                /* unknown device */
            fprintf(stream,"device\t\t%s %d %d %d\n",dvc,bits,divisions,frmnum);
    /* --------------------- set up light sources --------------------------- */
    for (l=0; l<16; l++) if (obj_array[LIT+l].name[0] != NULLCHAR)
    {   double sqrt(),dist;
        k = LIT + l;
        light_postn[0] = light_postn[1] = light_postn[2] = 0.;
        /* check if within range of light */
        dist = sqrt(sqr(light_postn[0] - object->centroid[0]) + 
                    sqr(light_postn[1] - object->centroid[1]) +
                    sqr(light_postn[2] - object->centroid[2]));
        if (dist < (obj_array[k].radius + object->radius))
            fprintf(stream,"light\t\t%g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
                                        /* send ambient light if not default */
    if (ambient_lite != .3) fprintf(stream,"ambient_light\t%g\n",ambient_lite);
                                     /* send angle included in field of view */
                                                     /* send object filename */
                                                                 /* clipped? */
    if (!object->clipped) fprintf(stream,"no_clipping\n");
    if ((bits == 8) || (bits == 10))                          /* pseudocolor */
        fprintf(stream,"color\t\t%d %d\n",ramp_lnth,
    else                                                        /* full color */
        fprintf(stream,"color\t\t%f %f %f\n",object->clr[0], 
    fprintf(stream,"transform\n ");         /* transform matrix */ 
    for (k=0; k<4; k++)
        fprintf(stream,"\t\t%g %g %g %g \n", 


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