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Oscar M. Nierstrasz oscar at utcsrgv.UUCP
Wed Dec 14 05:17:17 AEST 1983

Jack Waugh has pointed out to me that "echo -n" is understood
by Berkley UN*X only.  This flag prevents a carriage return from
being emitted.  It was used to make the shell script "mkarc"
more readable.  To fix simply replace:

echo -n "sed 's/^	//' > $i << "
echo "'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'"


echo "sed 's/^	//' > $i << 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'"

UUCP:	{ allegra cornell decvax decwrl floyd ihnp4 linus
	  sask ubc-vision utzoo uw-beaver watmath } !utcsrgv!oscar

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