Modification to swc.c (for vtclock)

espo at bpa.UUCP espo at bpa.UUCP
Thu Dec 1 06:08:58 AEST 1983

	Here's a mod to swc.c to allow disabling the display, executing
	a command, and re-displaying the clock.

	Bob Esposito....bpa!espo

**	program = swc.c
**	 author = R.J. Esposito
**	Swc is an interface to vtclock - it switches the display on/off
**	depending on it's previous state.
**	Modified to allow user to turn display off, execute a command,
**	and turn the display back on after the command completes.
**	If the cursor is at row 24, we must move the screen up one line
**	so we don't lose the last line returned from the passed command.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <termio.h>

#define REQCR	"\33[6n"	/* request cursor position */
#define CTOE	"\33[23;0f\33[J"	/* reposition cursor and clear
					   to end of screen */

FILE *fp;

char pid_file[100];
char *strcpy(), *strcat();
char *getenv();
struct termio *t;

main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
	char *pid;
	int f_pid;

	(void )strcpy(pid_file, getenv("HOME"));
	(void )strcat(pid_file, "/.clock_pid");

	if((fp=fopen(pid_file, "r")) == NULL)

	pid = fgets(pid_file, 100, fp);

	(void )kill (atoi(pid), 16);	/* send SIGUSR1 to vtclock */
	(void )fclose(fp);

	if (argc >= 2) {	/* check for command line */
		(void )*argv++;	/* to shut-up lint */

		if ((f_pid=fork()) == 0) {
			(void )execvp(*argv, argv);	/* do the command */

		}while((wait((int *)0)) != f_pid); /* wait here for
						      command to complete */

		(void )ioctl(0, TCGETA, t);
		t->c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
		t->c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
		t->c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO);
		(void )ioctl(0, TCSETAW, t);
		(void )fputs(REQCR, stdout);

		(void )getchar();	/* skip ESC */
		(void )getchar();	/* skip [ */
		if ((getchar()) == '2' && (getchar()) == '4')
			(void )fputc('\n', stdout);	/* move screen up
							   one line */
			(void )fputs(CTOE, stdout);

		t->c_lflag |= (ICANON|ECHO);
		(void )ioctl(0, TCSETAW, t);
		(void )ioctl(0, TCFLSH, 2);	/* flush stdin/stdout */

		(void )kill (atoi(pid), 16);	/* turn display
						   back on */

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