news and mail file archiver

Oscar M. Nierstrasz oscar at utcsrgv.UUCP
Sun Dec 11 05:44:29 AEST 1983

:	Here's a shell script that will create a shell script
#	for creating shell scripts that will recreate files (whew!).
#	That is, run this file under sh to create a shell script
#	called mkarc.  This file can be used on text files and
#	directories to create a shell script that can be mailed
#	or posted on the net.  That shell script will then
#	recreate the argument files, directories and constituent
#	files.  Of course it won't work for data files or
#	object code (use uuencode).  The output is similar to
#	that used in  The following was produced
#	by running 'mkarc mkarc'.
echo mkarc
sed 's/^	//' > mkarc << 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'
	:	mkarc file ...
	#	Makes a shell script which, when executed, will
	#	recreate the argument files and directories.
	#	Recursively includes all directory contents.
	#	Author: Oscar Nierstrasz (..!utcsrgv!oscar)
	for i
		if test -f $i
			echo "echo $i"
			echo -n "sed 's/^	//' > $i << "
			echo "'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'"
			sed 's/^/	/' < $i
			echo "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
		elif test -d $i
			echo "echo $i/"
			echo "mkdir $i"
			empty=`ls $i`
			if test -n "$empty"
				mkarc $i/*
			echo "mkarc: cannot find $i" 1>&2
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

UUCP	{ ihnp4 cornell decwrl watmath uw-beaver ubc-vision sask 
		garfield qucis linus mcgill-vision }!utcsrgv!oscar
  or	{ allegra decvax duke floyd }!utzoo!utcsrgv!oscar

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