need info on 'calls' - (nf)

wolfordj at ecn-ee.UUCP wolfordj at ecn-ee.UUCP
Sun Dec 4 18:31:32 AEST 1983

ecn-ee!wolfordj    Dec  4 02:50:00 1983

I need some help in finding out where I might be able to get a copy
of 'calls' which was garbaged.  I have the top couple of lines of the 
program and if anyone could possibly know where I could a new copy of this
program I would be very appriciative.
 * calls: calls prints a paragraphed list of who calls who within
 * a body of source code.
 * Author: M.M. Taylor, DCIEM, Toronto, Canada.
 * Modified for V7 and stdio, 22/Jan/81, Alexis Kwan (HCR at DCIEM).

			jeff wolford

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