Big frame buffer driver: drivers/bb_util.c

Ken Turkowski ken at turtleva.UUCP
Thu Dec 22 15:59:05 AEST 1983

echo x - drivers/bb.h
cat >drivers/bb.h <<'!Funky!Stuff!'
/* bb.h - header file for Marc2 frame buffer access */

#define BBMODE    2

static char  *BBDEV = "/dev/bb0";

#define u_short   unsigned short

typedef struct {
        u_short UBA_csr,dummy1;        /* the 1st 16 regs. do a 32-bit write */
        u_short dataLSB,dataMSB;        /* on MSB, 32-bit read on LSB */ 
        u_short r_m_wLSB,r_m_wMSB;
        u_short r_lm_wLSB,r_lm_wMSB;
        u_short cntrlLSB,cntrlMSB;
        short   Xpos,Ypos;
        u_short alu1LSB,alu1MSB;
        u_short alu2LSB,alu2MSB;
        u_short dummy2,dummy3;          /* the upper 16 regs. read and write */
        u_short data2LSB,data2MSB;      /* on either word */
        u_short r_m_w2LSB,r_m_w2MSB; 
        u_short r_lm_w2LSB,r_lm_w2MSB;
} bbdevice;

static bbdevice  *bb;

typedef	union	{   struct {  unsigned short LSB,MSB;  }  w;
		    struct {  char red,grn,blu,cvr;    }  b;
		}	four_byte_pixel;

#define TRUE            1
#define FALSE           0

#define LONG_W          100 
#define LONG_R          101
#define LONG_RMW        102
#define SHORT_W         200
#define SHORT_R         201
#define SET_RFSH_CNT    300
#define GET_RFSH_CNT    301
#define CTL_WRD_W       400
#define CTL_WRD_R       401
#define CTL_WRD_AND     402
#define CTL_WRD_OR      403
#define GET_ADDR        500
#define START_PLAYBACK  600
#define STOP_PLAYBACK   601
#define SHARE           700

#define UNIBUS_CTL        0
#define DATA_WD           2
#define RMW_WD            4
#define L_RMW_WD          6
#define BB_CTL_WD         8
#define XY_ADDR_WD       10
#define ALU_PRIM         12 
#define ALU_SECND        14 
#define DATA_SHRT        18
#define RMW_SHRT         20
#define L_RMW_SHRT       22
echo x - drivers/bb_util.c
cat >drivers/bb_util.c <<'!Funky!Stuff!'

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
   Utility routines for the Big Frame Buffer 
  - bbopen() - opens frame buffer returns 1 if successful, -1 if failed 
  - bbclose()- closes frame buffer so it may be used by another process
  - bbinit() - opens frame buffer calls reset_bb() returns 1 if successful, -1 
	       if failed 
  - bbquiet_init() - same as bbinit() but does not write error message
  - get_bb() - opens frame buffer calls reset_bb() and returns pointer to 
	       Unibus registers
  - reset_bb() - sets BB to raster mode, unzoomed with X and Y regs 
		 at lower left, clears miscellaneous control parameters
  - bbcntrlw() - writes into output control section
  - bbcntrlr() - reads from output control section
  - bbpalw() - loads pallette from supplied arrays
  - bbpalr() - reads back pallette into supplied arrays
  - bbwrite() - writes pixels on one scanline of BB, 32-bit write
  - bbwbyte() - writes pixels on one scanline of BB, selecting one of 4 bytes
  - bbwword() - writes pixels on one scanline of BB, select from 2 16-bit words 
  - bbread() - reads pixels from one scanline of BB, 32-bit read 
  - bbrbyte() - reads pixels from one scanline of BB, selecting one of 4 bytes 
  - bbrword() - reads pixels from one scanline of BB, select from 2 16-bit words
  - bbzoom() - zooms picture by supplied factor and centers
               on supplied coordinates
  - bbset_cnt() - sets refresh count
  - bbget_cnt() - returns current refresh count
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 

#include <bb.h>

#define BBMODE	2

static short	fd;	/* file descriptor */ 
static char	*BBDEV = "/dev/bb0";

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ BBOPEN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
short bbopen() /* grab BigBuffer */
{   long bb_addr,dummy;

    fd = open(BBDEV,BBMODE);
    if ( fd < 0) 
    {   printf(" Big Buffer not available, sorry \n");
        fflush(1);		/* flush standard output */
	return -1;
    else  return 1;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++ BBCLOSE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbclose()  /* close Big Buffer for another process to use */
{   close(fd);    fd = -1;   }

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ BBINIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
short bbinit() /* grab BigBuffer */
{   long bb_addr,dummy;

    fd = open(BBDEV,BBMODE);
    if ( fd < 0) 
    {   printf(" Big Buffer not available, sorry \n");
        fflush(1);		/* flush standard output */
	return -1;
    {   ioctl(fd,300,&dummy);           /* initialize to raster mode */
	return 1;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++ BBQUIET_INIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
short bbquiet_init() /* grab BigBuffer (quietly - no error message) */
{   long bb_addr,dummy;

    fd = open(BBDEV,BBMODE);
    if ( fd < 0)   return -1;		/* failure return */
    {   ioctl(fd,300,&dummy);           /* initialize to raster mode */
	return 1;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ GET_BB +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bb_regs *get_bb() /* grab BigBuffer and return base address */
{   long bb_addr,dummy;

    fd = open(BBDEV,BBMODE);
    if ( fd < 0) 
    {   printf(" Big Buffer not available, sorry \n");
        fflush(1);		/* flush standard output */
        return (bb_regs *)-1;
    {   ioctl(fd,100,&bb_addr); /* get unibus address */
        ioctl(fd,300,&dummy);           /* initialize to raster mode */
        return  (bb_regs *)bb_addr;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ RESET_BB ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
reset_bb()   /* reset BB to raster mode unzoomed */
{   long dummy;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBCNTRLW ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbcntrlw(X,Y,pixels,numpix)	/* write to output control section */
short X,Y,numpix;    long pixels[];
{   long array[4],dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];		/* check address before going to kernel mode */
    array[0] = X;  array[1] = Y;  array[2] = (long)pixels;  array[3] = numpix;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBCNTRLR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbcntrlr(X,Y,pixels,numpix)	/* read from output control section */
short X,Y,numpix;    long pixels[];
{   long array[4],dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];		/* check address before going to kernel mode */
    array[0] = X;  array[1] = Y;  array[2] = (long)pixels;  array[3] = numpix;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBPALW ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
short red[],grn[],blu[],start,length;
{   short i,X,Y,dum;    long array[5]; 
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = red[0];   dum = grn[0];    dum = blu[0];  /* check addresses */
    array[0] = start;    array[1] = length;
    array[2] = (long)red;    array[3] = (long)grn;    array[4] = (long)blu;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBPALR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
short red[],grn[],blu[],start,length;
{   short dum,i,X,Y;    long array[5];
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = red[0];   dum = grn[0];    dum = blu[0];  /* check addresses */
    array[0] = start;    array[1] = length;
    array[2] = (long)red;  array[3] = (long)grn;  array[4] = (long)blu;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBWRITE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 
bbwrite(X,Y,pixels,numpix)           /* write 32-bit pixels in raster order */
short X,Y,numpix;    long pixels[]; 
{   short i;    long array[4],dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];		/* check address before going to kernel mode */
    array[0] = X;  array[1] = Y;  array[2] = (long)pixels;  array[3] = numpix;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBWBYTE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbwbyte(byte,X,Y,pixels,numpix) /* write selected byte in pixels, raster order*/
short byte,X,Y,numpix;    short pixels[];
{   short i,dum;    long array[5];
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];		/* check address before going to kernel mode */
    array[0] = byte;    array[1] = X;    array[2] = Y;
    array[3] = (long)pixels;    array[4] = numpix;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBWWORD ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbwword(word,X,Y,pixels,numpix)   /* write into 16-bit short words */
short word,X,Y,numpix,pixels[];
{   long array[5];    short dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];		/* check address before going to kernel mode */
    array[0] = word;  array[1] = X;    array[2] = Y;
    array[3] = (long)pixels;    array[4] = numpix;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBREAD +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbread(X,Y,pixels,numpix) /* read 32-bit pixels in raster order */
short X,Y,numpix;    long pixels[]; 
{   long array[4],dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];		/* check address before going to kernel mode */
    array[0] = X;  array[1] = Y;  array[2] = (long)pixels;  array[3] = numpix;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBRBYTE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 
bbrbyte(byte,X,Y,pixels,numpix) /* read selected byte in pixels, raster order */
short byte,X,Y,numpix;    short pixels[];
{   long array[5];    short dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];
    array[0] = byte;  array[1] = X;  array[2] = Y;
    array[3] = (long)pixels;    array[4] = numpix;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBRWORD ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
bbrword(word,X,Y,pixels,numpix)   /* read from 16-bit short words */ 
short word,X,Y,numpix,pixels[];
{   long array[5];    short dum;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    dum = pixels[0];
    array[0] = word;  array[1] = X;    array[2] = Y;
    array[3] = (long)pixels;    array[4] = numpix;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBZOOM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 

bbzoom(mult,X,Y)  /* zoom by factor of 'mult', center on (X,Y) */
short mult,X,Y;
{   short Xofset,Yofset;    long array[3];

    Xofset = 320/mult;		Yofset = 242/mult;
    array[0] = mult;			/* load zoom factor */
    array[1] = (X + 10 - Xofset) / 20;		/* x-coord for left side */
    array[2] = 2 * (Y + Yofset) / 2;		/* y-coord for upper side */
    while (array[2] < 0)  array[2] += 484; /* restrict to visible & invert */
    array[2] %= 484;	array[2] = 483 - array[2];	

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBSET_CNT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

bbset_cnt(count) /* set frame count and enable end-of-frame interrupts */
short count;
{   long frame_count;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    frame_count = count;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BBGET_CNT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

long bbget_cnt() /* retrieve frame count */
{   long frame_count;
    if (fd < 0)  error(" Big buffer access denied ");
    return frame_count;

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