help - my blit is blinding me

mek at pyuxss.UUCP mek at pyuxss.UUCP
Fri Dec 16 03:41:15 AEST 1983

To anyone out there in net land:

	I've got a BLIT termnal, which, although it does feature some
	interesting toys (i.e., lens, games, jim) has a miserable
	font for its default character font. I'm pretty nearsighted, and
	squinting at the characters displayed for prolonged periods of time
	is giving me a headache. Do you know of a way of changing the
	default font when in layers, or does anyone have a good
	magnifying something-ro-other to put over the display? I await
	the flood of responses with baited breath...

						Myopically Yours,

						matt kaufman

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