yet another 4.2 bug

budd at arizona.UUCP budd at arizona.UUCP
Wed Dec 7 00:07:51 AEST 1983

Here is another 4.2 bogosity (this is what I've pieced together.  The
lawyers still have our 4.2 tape!!).  The ``bib'' bibliographic database
software, written here by myself and gary levin, is on the 4.2 distribution
tape.  (This is a replacement for refer, was posted to the net several
months ago).  Immediately before 4.2 was set in stone, the people at
berkeley asked for the latest version.  I got the copy they had, which had
been berkeletised, and compared the updates they had made to the improvements
I had made and took the best of both worlds and made a new version.

Now here comes the tricky part.  The berkeley people use SCCS, I don't.
There were several %D formats in the source which the berkeley people changed
to %ld, however I didn't take note of this in making my updates, and
apparently It wasn't caught when I shipped the source back to berkeley.
(Also, they seem to have re-berkeletised it, putting back in the features
I had taken out of their earlier version).

Here's the bug: There are two %D%D formats in scanf's in the file invert.c.
The sccs system uses %D% as a keyword, replacing it with the current date.
This, of course, messes everything up.

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