Listing of posted graphics modules

Ken Turkowski ken at turtleva.UUCP
Tue Dec 20 03:50:38 AEST 1983

Sorry for not including a "Part x of y" enumeration in my distribution
of Frank Crow's graphics code.  Instead, I'm including here an
enumeration of the 36 articles that I posted to net.sources recently.

Source Code for Generating Images posted to net.sources 
Documentation for FC's graphics package enclosed 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/aedclear.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/Makefile 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/bbackfill.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/bbox_task.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/error.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/ftb_pxls.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/ftb_zsort.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/hiq_pxls.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/hiq_tiler.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/hueload.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/jag_tiler.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/obj_sort.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/poly_drawl.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/poly_zsort.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/ptiler.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/regurgitate.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/rgbtiler.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/scn_assmblr.c 
Big frame buffer driver: drivers/bb_util.c 
Medium frame buffer driver: drivers/fbutil.c 
Pseudocolor driver: drivers/ae_util.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/shiny_tlr.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/task_master.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/tiler.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/u_tiler.c 
Graphics source in C: hsalgs/update_obj.c 
Introduction to Graphics Data files: scenes, objects, details, etc. 
Scene descriptions: banana.scn, kln_champ.scn, xport_data.scn 
Graphics database manipulation programs: code 
Graphics objects: subdirectory data/dg 
Graphics objects: subdirectory data/glassware 
Graphics objects: subdirectory data/hand_built 
Graphics objects: subdirectory data/terrains 
Graphics objects: subdirectory data/utah 

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