Micromind Assembler

utzoo!decvax!wivax!linus!genradbo!mitccc!jfw utzoo!decvax!wivax!linus!genradbo!mitccc!jfw
Sat Feb 19 13:05:32 AEST 1983

Since I have gotten about 8 requests for my Micromind assembler,
I will post it to net.sources tomorrow.  Some notes on its limitations:
It does absolute assemblies only, all at once; I don't have a linker for
6502s, hence I did not write the assembler with one in mind.  This could
be changed.  It produces, as output, a hex listing of the assembled
program (plus a full listing with hex codes added).  I then wrote a
program on the 11 here to send such a file down a teletype line...

Watch this space!
	John Woods, ...!mitccc!jfw

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