Portability Changes to newsec.c

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!houti!pegasus!jfd utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!houti!pegasus!jfd
Sat Jan 15 12:18:26 AEST 1983

	The following diff output shows the changes I've made to
	newsec.c to enhance it's portability.  I believe it's now
	portable to most 32-bit machines.  I've found it to be
	a *really* handy program to have around! Thanks Tom!

					john dooley
					ABI - Lincroft

> 	int new_phr;		/* added 1/83 for portability */
< 	for(c=cen;(*c=fgetc(f)) != EOF;c++) /* read in phrases to exclude */
< 		{
> /* 
> 	for statement replaced with while and 'new_phr' for 
> 	portability. (see pg 14 Kernighan & Ritchie for reason)
> */
> 	c = cen;
> 	while ((new_phr = fgetc(f)) != EOF)
> 	{
> 		*c = new_phr;
< 		}
> 		c++;
> 	}
< 			for(og=gg=linein;gg < eb &&
<  				(*gg=fgetc(fx)) != EOF ; gg++){
> /*
> 	for statement removed and while inserted, along with new_phr
> 	for portability.
> */
> 			og = linein;
> 			gg = linein;
> 			while ((gg < eb) && ((new_phr = fgetc(fx)) != EOF))
> 			{
> 				*gg = new_phr;
< 				}
> 				gg++;
> 			}

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