unportability bug in cypher.c

utzoo!decvax!wivax!dyer utzoo!decvax!wivax!dyer
Sat Jan 22 12:58:07 AEST 1983

If your machine assumes char's are unsigned, then the program
cypher.c will fail with a seg violation, because the test

	while ((i = sgetchar()) != EOF)

will naturally fail.  The fix is to replace the external declaration
	char sgetchar();
within passfile() with
	int sgetchar();         /* or of course, you could omit it */

And, of course, in the later definition of sgetchar(), replace the
char            WITH            int      
sgetchar()                      sgetchar()      
{                               {               
...                             ...             
}                               }               

So far, this is the only bug I have found, which is quite a compliment,
since I have it running on a BBN C/70 (20-bit words, 10-bit, unsigned
/Steve Dyer

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