xlisp part 3 of 4

utzoo!decvax!betz utzoo!decvax!betz
Thu Jan 6 12:11:52 AEST 1983

/* xlobj - xlisp object functions */

#include "xlisp.h"

/* external variables */
extern struct node *xlstack;
extern struct node *xlenv;

/* external procedures */
extern struct node *xlevarg();
extern struct node *xlevmatch();

/* global variables */
struct node *self;

/* the class object pointer */
static struct node *class;
static struct node *messages;
static struct node *ivars;
static struct node *new;
static struct node *isnew;
static int init;

/* forward declarations (the extern hack is because of decusc) */
extern struct node *enterivar();

/* xlmfind - find the message binding for a message to an object */
struct node *xlmfind(obj,msym)
  struct node *obj,*msym;
    struct node *lptr,*msg;

    /* lookup the message */
    for (lptr = enterivar(obj->n_obclass,messages)->n_bndvalue;
	 lptr != NULL;
	 lptr = lptr->n_listnext)
	if ((msg = lptr->n_listvalue) != NULL && msg->n_msg == msym)
	    return (msg);

    /* message not found */
    return (NULL);

/* xlxsend - send a message to an object */
struct node *xlxsend(obj,msg,args)
  struct node *obj,*msg,*args;
    struct node *oldstk,method,cptr,val,*isnewmsg,*oldenv;

    /* save the old environment */
    oldenv = xlenv;

    /* create a new stack frame */
    oldstk = xlsave(&method,&cptr,&val,NULL);

    /* get the method for this message */
    method.n_ptr = msg->n_msgcode;

    /* make sure its a function or a subr */
    if (method.n_ptr->n_type != SUBR && method.n_ptr->n_type != FUN)
	xlfail("bad method");

    /* bind the symbol self */

    /* evaluate the function call */
    if (method.n_ptr->n_type == SUBR) {
	val.n_ptr = (*method.n_ptr->n_subr)(args);
    else {

	/* bind the formal arguments */

	/* execute the code */
	cptr.n_ptr = method.n_ptr->n_funcode;
	while (cptr.n_ptr != NULL)
	    val.n_ptr = xlevarg(&cptr.n_ptr);

    /* restore the environment */

    /* after creating an object, send it the "isnew" message */
    if (msg->n_msg == new && val.n_ptr != NULL) {
	if ((isnewmsg = xlmfind(val.n_ptr,isnew)) == NULL)
	    xlfail("no method for the isnew message");
	val.n_ptr = xlxsend(val.n_ptr,isnewmsg,args);

    /* restore the previous stack frame */
    xlstack = oldstk;

    /* return the result value */
    return (val.n_ptr);

/* xlsend - send a message to an object (message in arg list) */
struct node *xlsend(obj,args)
  struct node *obj,*args;
    struct node *msg;

    /* find the message binding for this message */
    if ((msg = xlmfind(obj,xlevmatch(SYM,&args))) == NULL)
	xlfail("no method for this message");

    /* send the message */
    return (xlxsend(obj,msg,args));

/* new - create a new object instance */
static struct node *mnew()
    struct node *oldstk,obj;
    struct node *cls,*lptr,*lnk,*last;

    /* create a new stack frame */
    oldstk = xlsave(&obj,NULL);

    /* get the class */
    cls = self->n_symvalue;

    /* generate a new object */
    obj.n_ptr = newnode(OBJ);
    obj.n_ptr->n_obclass = cls;

    /* create a list of instance variables for the new object */
    for (lptr = enterivar(cls,ivars)->n_bndvalue, last = NULL;
	 lptr != NULL;
	 lptr = lptr->n_listnext, last = lnk) {
	lnk = newnode(LIST);
	if (last == NULL)
	    obj.n_ptr->n_obdata = lnk;
	    last->n_listnext = lnk;
	lnk->n_listvalue = newnode(BND);
	lnk->n_listvalue->n_bndsym = lptr->n_listvalue;

    /* restore the previous stack frame */
    xlstack = oldstk;

    /* return the new object */
    return (obj.n_ptr);

/* misnew - initialize a new class */
static struct node *misnew(args)
  struct node *args;
    /* make sure there aren't any arguments */
    if (args != NULL)
	xlfail("too many arguments");

    /* return the new object */
    return (self->n_symvalue);

/* enterivar - enter an instance variable */
static struct node *enterivar(obj,sym)
  struct node *obj,*sym;
    struct node *lptr,*vbnd;

    /* lookup the instance variable */
    for (lptr = obj->n_obdata; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->n_listnext)
	if ((vbnd = lptr->n_listvalue) != NULL && vbnd->n_bndsym == sym)

    /* add the instance variable if it wasn't found */
    if (lptr == NULL) {
	if (!init)
	    printf("can't find \"%s\"\n",sym->n_symname);
	lptr = newnode(LIST);
	lptr->n_listnext = obj->n_obdata;
	obj->n_obdata = lptr;
	lptr->n_listvalue = vbnd = newnode(BND);
	vbnd->n_bndsym = sym;

    /* return the binding */
    return (vbnd);

/* addivar - enter an instance variable */
static addivar(cls,var)
  struct node *cls; char *var;
    struct node *vbnd,*lptr;

    /* enter the "ivars" instance variable */
    vbnd = enterivar(cls,ivars);

    /* add the instance variable */
    lptr = newnode(LIST);
    lptr->n_listnext = vbnd->n_bndvalue;
    vbnd->n_bndvalue = lptr;
    lptr->n_listvalue = xlenter(var);

/* entermsg - add a message to a class */
static struct node *entermsg(cls,msg)
  struct node *cls,*msg;
    struct node *lptr,*mbnd,*mptr;

    /* lookup the "messages" instance variable */
    mbnd = enterivar(cls,messages);

    /* lookup the message */
    for (lptr = mbnd->n_bndvalue; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->n_listnext)
	if ((mptr = lptr->n_listvalue)->n_msg == msg)

    /* allocate a new message entry if one wasn't found */
    if (lptr == NULL) {
	lptr = newnode(LIST);
	lptr->n_listnext = mbnd->n_bndvalue;
	mbnd->n_bndvalue = lptr;
	lptr->n_listvalue = mptr = newnode(MSG);
	mptr->n_msg = msg;

    /* return the symbol node */
    return (mptr);

/* answer - define a method for answering a message */
static struct node *answer(args)
  struct node *args;
    struct node *oldstk,arg,msg,fargs,code;
    struct node *obj,*mptr,*fptr;

    /* create a new stack frame */
    oldstk = xlsave(&arg,&msg,&fargs,&code,NULL);

    /* initialize */
    arg.n_ptr = args;

    /* message symbol */
    msg.n_ptr = xlevmatch(SYM,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* get the formal argument list */
    fargs.n_ptr = xlevmatch(LIST,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* get the code */
    code.n_ptr = xlevmatch(LIST,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* make sure there aren't any more arguments */
    if (arg.n_ptr != NULL)
	xlfail("too many arguments");

    /* get the object node */
    obj = self->n_symvalue;

    /* make a new message list entry */
    mptr = entermsg(obj,msg.n_ptr);

    /* setup the message node */
    mptr->n_msgcode = fptr = newnode(FUN);
    fptr->n_funargs = fargs.n_ptr;
    fptr->n_funcode = code.n_ptr;

    /* restore the previous stack frame */
    xlstack = oldstk;

    /* return the object */
    return (obj);

/* mivars - define a list of instance variables */
static int mivars(args)
  struct node *args;
    struct node *oldstk,vars,*obj,*vbnd;

    /* create a new stack frame */
    oldstk = xlsave(&vars,NULL);

    /* get ivar list */
    vars.n_ptr = xlevmatch(LIST,&args);

    /* make sure there aren't any more arguments */
    if (args != NULL)
	xlfail("too many arguments");

    /* get the object node */
    obj = self->n_symvalue;

    /* find the ivars instance variable */
    vbnd = enterivar(obj,ivars);
    vbnd->n_bndvalue = vars.n_ptr;

    /* restore the previous stack frame */
    xlstack = oldstk;

    /* return the object */
    return (obj);

/* addmsg - add a message to a class */
static addmsg(cls,msg,code)
  struct node *cls; char *msg; int (*code)();
    struct node *mptr;

    /* enter the message symbol */
    mptr = entermsg(cls,xlenter(msg));

    /* store the code for this message */
    mptr->n_msgcode = newnode(SUBR);
    mptr->n_msgcode->n_subr = code;

/* xloinit - object function initialization routine */
    struct node *csym;

    /* set the initialization flag */
    init = TRUE;

    /* enter the object related symbols */
    messages = xlenter("messages");
    ivars = xlenter("ivars");
    new = xlenter("new");
    isnew = xlenter("isnew");
    self = xlenter("self");

    /* initialize the class object */
    csym = xlenter("class");
    class = csym->n_symvalue = newnode(OBJ);
    class->n_obclass = class;

    /* clear the initialization flag */
    init = FALSE;

/* xlkmap - xlisp key map functions */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "xlisp.h"

/* external variables */
extern struct node *xlstack;
extern struct node *xlenv;

/* external procedures */
extern struct node *xlevarg();
extern struct node *xlevmatch();
extern struct node *xlmfind();
extern struct node *xlxsend();

/* local definitions */
#define KMSIZE	256	/* number of characters in a keymap */
#define KMAX	20	/* maximum number of characters in a key sequence */

/* local variables */
static struct node *currentenv;

/* keymap - create a new keymap */
static struct node *keymap(args)
  struct node *args;
    /* make sure there aren't any arguments */
    if (args != NULL)
	xlfail("too many arguments");

    /* create a keymap node */
    return (newnode(KMAP));

/* newkmap - allocate memory for a new key map vector */
static struct node *(*newkmap())[]
    struct node *(*map)[];

    /* allocate the vector */
    if ((map = calloc(1,sizeof(struct node *) * KMSIZE)) == NULL) {
	printf("insufficient memory");

    /* return the new vector */
    return (map);

/* key - define a key */
static struct node *key(args)
  struct node *args;
    struct node *oldstk,arg,kmap,kstr,ksym,*kmptr;
    struct node *(*map)[];
    char *sptr;
    int ch;

    /* create a new stack frame */
    oldstk = xlsave(&arg,&kmap,&kstr,&ksym,NULL);

    /* initialize */
    arg.n_ptr = args;

    /* get the keymap pointer */
    kmap.n_ptr = xlevmatch(KMAP,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* get the key string */
    kstr.n_ptr = xlevmatch(STR,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* get the key symbol */
    ksym.n_ptr = xlevmatch(SYM,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* make sure there aren't any more arguments */
    if (arg.n_ptr != NULL)
	xlfail("too many arguments");

    /* process each character in the key string */
    for (kmptr = kmap.n_ptr, sptr = kstr.n_ptr->n_str;
    	 *sptr != 0;
    	 kmptr = (*map)[ch]) {

	/* get a character */
	ch = *sptr++;

	/* allocate a key map vector if non currently exists */
	if ((map = kmptr->n_kmap) == NULL)
	    map = kmptr->n_kmap = newkmap();

	/* check for this being the last character in the string */
	if (*sptr == 0)
	    (*map)[ch] = ksym.n_ptr;
	    if ((*map)[ch] == NULL || (*map)[ch]->n_type != KMAP) {
		(*map)[ch] = newnode(KMAP);
		(*map)[ch]->n_kmap = newkmap();

    /* restore the previous stack frame */
    xlstack = oldstk;

    /* return the key map */
    return (kmap.n_ptr);

/* kmprocess - process input characters using a key map */
static struct node *kmprocess(args)
  struct node *args;
    struct node *oldstk,arg,kmap,env,margs,*kmptr,*nptr,*oldenv;
    struct node *(*map)[];
    char keys[KMAX+1];
    int ch,kndx;

    /* create a new stack frame */
    oldstk = xlsave(&arg,&kmap,&env,&margs,NULL);

    /* initialize */
    arg.n_ptr = args;

    /* get the key map */
    kmap.n_ptr = xlevmatch(KMAP,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* get the environment */
    env.n_ptr = xlevmatch(LIST,&arg.n_ptr);

    /* make sure there aren't any more arguments */
    if (arg.n_ptr != NULL)
	xlfail("too many arguments");

    /* bind the current environment variable */
    oldenv = xlenv;

    /* make sure the key map is defined */
    if (kmap.n_ptr->n_kmap == NULL)
	xlfail("empty keymap");

    /* create an argument list to send with key messages */
    margs.n_ptr = newnode(LIST);
    margs.n_ptr->n_listvalue = newnode(STR);
    margs.n_ptr->n_listvalue->n_str = keys;
    margs.n_ptr->n_listvalue->n_strtype = STATIC;

    /* character processing loop */
    for (kmptr = kmap.n_ptr, kndx = 0; TRUE; ) {

	/* flush pending output */

	/* get a character */
	if ((ch = kbin()) < 0)

	/* put it in the key sequence */
	if (kndx < KMAX)
	    keys[kndx++] = ch;
	    xlfail("key sequence too long");

	/* dispatch on character code */
	if ((map = kmptr->n_kmap) == NULL)
	    xlfail("bad keymap");
	else if ((nptr = (*map)[ch]) == NULL) {
	    kmptr = kmap.n_ptr;
	    kndx = 0;
	else if (nptr->n_type == KMAP)
	    kmptr = (*map)[ch];
	else if (nptr->n_type == SYM) {
	    keys[kndx] = 0;
	    kmptr = kmap.n_ptr;
	    kndx = 0;
	    xlfail("bad keymap");

    /* unbind */

    /* restore the previous stack frame */
    xlstack = oldstk;

    /* return the keymap */
    return (kmap.n_ptr);

/* sendmsg - send a message given an environment list */
static sendmsg(msym,env,args)
  struct node *msym,*env,*args;
    struct node *eptr,*obj,*msg;

    /* look for an object that answers the message */
    for (eptr = env; eptr != NULL; eptr = eptr->n_listnext)
	if ((obj = eptr->n_listvalue) != NULL && obj->n_type == OBJ)
	    if ((msg = xlmfind(obj,msym)) != NULL) {

/* xlkmmark - mark a keymap */
  struct node *km;
    struct node *(*map)[];
    int i;

    /* mark the keymap node */
    km->n_flags |= MARK;

    /* check for a null keymap */
    if ((map = km->n_kmap) == NULL)

    /* loop through each keymap entry */
    for (i = 0; i < KMSIZE; i++)
	if (((*map)[i] != NULL) && (*map)[i]->n_type == KMAP)

/* xlkmfree - free a keymap */
  struct node *km;
    struct node *(*map)[];
    int i;

    /* check for a null keymap */
    if ((map = km->n_kmap) == NULL)

    /* loop through each keymap entry */
    for (i = 0; i < KMSIZE; i++)
	if (((*map)[i] != NULL) && (*map)[i]->n_type == KMAP)

    /* free this keymap */

/* xlkinit - key map function initialization routine */
    /* define the xlisp variables */
    currentenv = xlenter("currentenv");

    /* define the xlisp functions */

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