utzoo!decvax!duke!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxi!mhuxj!mhuxv!burl!sb1!sb6!jca utzoo!decvax!duke!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxi!mhuxj!mhuxv!burl!sb1!sb6!jca
Mon Jan 17 00:20:13 AEST 1983

		I know all the discussion about the wasted space in
	removed entries in a directory has pretty much died out, and
	I do not wish to get it started again. I am just posting the
	source to a program I wrote called (sqzdir). It removes unused
	entries and then sorts the remaining with subdirectories first,
	and all the other used entries following. A second sort is done
	to get the subdirectories in last access first. Same for the
	other entries.
		I would like to give credit to Randy J. King (uusquish1),
	Steven M. Kramer (squish), and any others that posted source or
	comments. It was from this that I based mine.
		Anyone modifying the code to work with different
	versions of UNIX, please let me know what was done so I may
	include them in my code via #ifdef *. Sqzdir was written and runs
	on WECO USG 4.0. Comments on usefulness and enhancements are
	welcome. If you think the comment is of general interest then
	post to the net else mail to me.
		The source code and manual page follow in the next
	articles from sb6.

						Jack Allen
						Southern Bell
						(404) 529-0911

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