uuencode, backslashes, and mail

Brad Needham bradn at tekecs.UUCP
Mon Jul 25 08:24:15 AEST 1983

When the problem of mailers converting a pair of backslashes into a single
backslash first showed up, many people suggested using uuencode(1) to avoid
the problem.  Unfortunately, given the appropriate (printable) input,
uuencode can generate a pair of backslashes!

As a hack to get my lex file onto the net, I translated all the backslashes
into '@' (a character not used in C) and arranged to have the receiving site
convert them back into backslashes.

I *thought* that one of the advantages of a computer network was the ability
to share source -- to reliably send arbitrary data from one site to another.
It looks like it'll be awhile before this mess becomes a real network.

	Brad Needham

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