an apology for flaming

Bruce Cohen brucec at orca.UUCP
Fri Jul 22 10:56:42 AEST 1983

My apologies to umcp-cs!chris for my flame of a few days ago, when I
could not get his window package documentation formatted.  After some
experimentation here we discovered that the message containing the
documentation reached here in a damaged state, in that all instances
of "\" were converted to "\" by some brain-damaged mailer (very
likely ours).  This has a tendency to trash nroff macro definitions,
among other things.  We have rebuilt the file, and now have a formatted

Thanks, by the way, to all the helpful people who mailed to me
information on how they had sucessfully formatted the message.
Without them, I would still be sitting here grumbling into my beard
about the garbage being sent on the net.

			In the immortal words of the wierd old lady,
			"Never Mind"

			Bruce Cohen

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