bugfix for pager for readnews

borman at stolaf.UUCP borman at stolaf.UUCP
Wed Jul 6 14:04:28 AEST 1983

Opps... good old Murphy never fails.  In the pager for readnews that I
recently posted, three if() statments are incorrect and should be changed
as follows. Two are in readr.c, and one in pager.c. If you don't make this
change articles may scroll off the screen when changing newsgroups.

In readr.c
 	if (NLINES(h, fp) > (((rflag && bit < 1) || (bit > ngsize))? 12 : 17)
 		&& *PAGER) {
	if (NLINES(h, fp) >
	    (((rflag && bit < 1) || (bit >= ngsize))? LNCNT - 5 : LNCNT)
		&& *PAGER) {

and change
 		if (NLINES(h, fd) >
 		 (((rflag && bit < 1) || (bit > ngsize))? LNCNT - 5 : LNCNT)
 		 && *PAGER) {

		if (NLINES(h, fd) >
		 (((rflag && bit < 1) || (bit >= ngsize)) ? LNCNT - 5 : LNCNT)
		 && *PAGER) {

In pager.c change
	   if (i > (((rflag && bit < 1) || (bit>ngsize)) ? LNCNT - 5 : LNCNT)) {
	   if (i > (((rflag && bit<1) || (bit>=ngsize)) ? LNCNT - 5 : LNCNT)) {

			Sorry 'bout that, but the moment you
			post something, you'll be sure to find
			the bugs....
				-Dave Borman, St. Olaf College
				{ihnp4, harpo}!stolaf!borman

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