Bug fix to window source: size.c

chris at umcp-cs.UUCP chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
Mon Jul 4 16:25:45 AEST 1983

Naturally, there was a bug in the source I distributed.  The 'Wsize'
function could generate garbage in the newly-expanded window.  I thought
I had fixed that, but it turned out I was fixing the wrong thing, which
wasn't really broken.  Here's a corrected version of size.c, with the
real bug really fixed (honest, I tested it).

					- Chris

: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting size.c'
/bin/echo '	(window-expansion bug fixed)'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >size.c
X#include "win.h"
X#include "display.h"
X/* Copyright (c) 1983 University of Maryland Computer Science Department */
X/* Change the size of an existing window */
XWsize (w, xext, yext)
Xregister Win *w;
Xregister xext, yext;
X	register Buf *b;
X	register Ch *c;
X	if (xext < 1 || yext < 1)
X		return -1;
X	if (w -> OXO + xext > ScreenWidth || w -> OYO + yext > ScreenLength)
X		return -1;
X	b = w -> w_textbuf;
X	if (b -> b_ncols < xext || b -> b_nrows < yext) {
X		if (Wsetbuf (w, xext, yext))
X			return -1;
X	}
X	if ((w -> w_status & WHIDDEN) == 0) {
X		WErase (w);		/* Erase visible portions */
X		WRemoveCoverList (w);	/* Uncover everything */
X	}
X	/* Get new winbuf */
X	c = (Ch *) malloc (sizeof (Ch) * xext * yext);
X	if (c == 0) {
X		if ((w -> w_status & WHIDDEN) == 0)
X			WComputeCover (w);
X		return -1;
X	}
X	free (w -> w_winbuf);
X	w -> w_winbuf = c;
X	w -> w_outside.xextent = xext;	/* Change size */
X	w -> w_outside.yextent = yext;
X	/* If the window has grown such that the bottom of the winbuf sticks
X	   out over the bottom of the textbuf, it must be moved upward.  The
X	   distance to be moved is [real_bstart - max_bstart], or, in the y
X	   direction, [w -> w_bstart.row - (b -> b_nrows - yext)]. */
X	if (w -> w_bstart.row + yext > b -> b_nrows) {
X		/* Want cursor to stick to buffer, so must move down
X		   relative to window */
X		w -> w_cursor.row += w -> w_bstart.row - b -> b_nrows + yext;
X		w -> w_bstart.row =  b -> b_nrows - yext;/* max_bstart.row */
X		MajorUpdate = 1;
X	}
X	/* Similarly for the x direction */
X	if (w -> w_bstart.col + xext > b -> b_ncols) {
X		w -> w_cursor.col += w -> w_bstart.col - b -> b_ncols + xext;
X		w -> w_bstart.col =  b -> b_ncols - xext;/* max_bstart.col */
X	}
X	/* Make inside whole thing (sigh) */
X	for (c = w -> w_winbuf + xext * yext; c > w -> w_winbuf;)
X		(--c) -> ch_all = ' ' | (WBUF<<NBPB);
X	WFixCursor (w);
X	if ((w -> w_status & WHIDDEN) == 0)
X		WComputeCover (w);	/* Recompute cover with new size */
X	return Wsetmargins (w, 0, 0, xext, yext);
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 size.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld size.c
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris at umcp-cs
ARPA:	chris.umcp-cs at UDel-Relay

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