Bug fix for makescript

chris at umcp-cs.UUCP chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
Fri Jun 17 09:46:36 AEST 1983

Oops, seems a bug crept into my makescript program.  Here's the problem,
and the fix.

	makescript foo File_Without_Leading_Slash

generates an error about "can't change to directory /usr/foo
".  This is because there's a newline left in the directory returned
by /bin/pwd.

	add (after the first fread call) the two lines

	if (WDir[0])
		WDir[strlen (WDir) - 1] = 0;

and the problem should go away.

				- Chris
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris at umcp-cs
ARPA:	chris.umcp-cs at UDel-Relay

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