vnews bug fix

ka at spanky.UUCP ka at spanky.UUCP
Tue Jun 14 10:04:10 AEST 1983

# Another bug in vnews.  This one caused problems with the parent and
# '<' commands on some machines by calling putc with an uninitialized
# FILE pointer.  Thanks to Guy Riddle (pyuxmm!ggr) for finding this.
# This file contains an ed script to fix the problem.  As before, the
# original visual.c is left in Ovisual.c in case things don't work.
#				Kenneth Almquist

mv visual.c Ovisual.c
(sed 's/	//' | ed Ovisual.c) <<\!
			if (fp != NULL) {	/* always true */
				fp = NULL;
	w visual.c

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