Vnews User's Manual

ka at spanky.UUCP ka at spanky.UUCP
Mon Jun 6 12:42:44 AEST 1983

                           VVVVnnnneeeewwwwssss UUUUsssseeeerrrr''''ssss MMMMaaaannnnuuuuaaaallll


                             KKKKeeeennnnnnnneeeetttthhhh AAAAllllmmmmqqqquuuuiiiisssstttt

       1.  OOOOvvvveeeerrrrvvvviiiieeeewwww

       Vnews is a program for reading USENET news.  It is based  on
       readnews but has a CRT oriented user interface.  The command
       line options are identical.  The list of available  commands
       is  quite  similar,  although  since  vnews  is  a  "visual"
       interface, most vnews commands do not have to be  terminated
       by a newline.

       Vnews is an experiment in writing  a  good  user  interface.
       The only way I can tell how successful I have been is by the
       responses I receive, so please send you  comments,  good  or
       bad,  to  decvax!harpo!houxm!spanky!ka.  (Bug reports should
       be sent to the same address.)

       Vnews uses the first 22 lines of the screen to  display  the
       current  article.  Line 23 is the secondary prompt line, and
       is used to input string  arguments  to  commands.   Line  24
       contains  several  fields.   The  first  field is the prompt
       field.  If vnews is at the end of an article, the prompt  is
       "next?";  otherwise the prompt is "more?".  The second field
       is  the  newsgroup  field,  which   displays   the   current
       newsgroup, the number of the current article, and the number
       of the last article  in  the  newsgroup.   The  third  field
       contains  the  current time, and the last field contains the
       word "mail" if you have mail.  When you  receive  new  mail,
       the bell on the teminal is rung and the word mail appears in
       capital letters for 30 seconds.

       2.  CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnnddddssss

       Most of the readnews commands have  vnews  counterparts  and
       vice versa.  Some differences are:

          - Vnews does not have the X command because I don't think
            it  belongs  in  readnews  anyway.   (It  should  be  a
            separate program.)

          - It lacks an H command.  I don't  think  that  there  is
            enough demand to justify this; just escape to the shell
            and say cat $A or sed '/^$/q' $A.

                                  - 2 -

          - It lacks a digest command.  This would be nice to have,
            but it does not seem to be a major deficiency since you
            can move around in the article with vnews commands.  If
            you  really  miss  it,  try compiling visual.c with the
            -DDIGPAGE option to cause each entry  in  a  digest  to
            start on a new page.

          - To get to the previous group, use the N command with  a
            '-' argument.

          - Vnews has commands commands for moving  around  in  the
            article  which readnews does not have since they aren't

          - It has a parent command which will go  to  the  article
            that  the current article is a followup to, and a write
            command that writes out the body of an article  without
            the header.

          - You can refer to the current article from the shell  or
            while writing a followup as $A.

          - The decrypt command always does rot 13; rot 13 seems to
            be  the  default  standard  and  the  readnews  version
            occasionally gets confused.

       Each vnews  command  may  be  preceded  by  a  count.   Some
       commands  use  the  count;  others  ignore  it.  If count is
       omitted, it defaults to one.  Some commands  prompt  for  an
       argument  on  the  second  to the bottom line of the screen.
       Standard UNIX erase and kill  processing  is  done  on  this
       argument.   The  argument  is  terminated  by  a return.  An
       interrupt (delete or break) gets you out  of  any  partially
       entered command.

       A list of commands follows.

       CR        A carriage  return  prints  more  of  the  current
                 article, or goes on to the next article if you are
                 at the end of the current article.

       ^B        A CONTROL-B goes backwards count pages.

       ^N or ^Y  Go forwards count lines.

       ^P or ^Z  Go backwards count lines.

       ^D        Go forward half a page.

       h         Go back to the top of the article and display only
                 the header.

                                  - 3 -

       n         Go on to the next  article,  marking  the  current
                 article as read.

       e         Marking the current article as unread and  advance
                 by count articles.  Count may be zero.

       ug        Unsubscribe to the current group.  This is  a  two
                 character  command  to ensure that it is not typed
                 accidentally and to leave room for other types  of
                 unsubscribes (e. g. unsubscribe to discussion).

       v         Print netnews version.

       b or -    Go back to the previous article.  This is a toggle
                 (as  in readnews), so that two b commands in a row
                 get you back to the article you started with.

       +         Go forward count articles.

       q         Quit.  The .newsrc file is updated.

       ^\        When sent a quit signal, vnews terminates  without
                 updating .newsrc.  As distributed it calls abort()
                 to generate a core dump; individual sites may want
                 to delete this call.

       c         Cancel the current  article.   Vnews  prompts  for
                 confermation   before   cancelling   the  article.
                 Carriage return means yes; anything else means no.

       !         Prompts for a UNIX command and passes  it  to  the
                 shell.   The environment variable $A is set to the
                 name of the file containing the  current  article.
                 If  the  last  character  of the command is a "&",
                 then the "&" is deleted and the command is run  in
                 the  background  with  stdin,  stdout  and  stderr
                 redirected  to  /dev/null.   If  the  command   is
                 missing,  the shell is invoked.  Use the l command
                 (or essentially any other command) to turn on  the
                 display after the program terminates.

       r         Reply to author of article.   See  f  command  for

       f         Post a followup article.   I  haven't  implemented
                 "recording"   messages  because  I  think  they're
                 silly.  If the article was posted to  a  moderated
                 group, the followup is mailed to the sender of the

                                  - 4 -

                 Both reply and followup work  similarly.   A  file
                 containing  a  header  is created and an editor is
                 invoked on the file.  The environment variable  $A
                 is  set to the current article in case you want to
                 refer to it or quote it  in  your  response.   The
                 second  argument  to  the editor is $A, so that if
                 you  run  Gosling's  emacs,   the   article   will
                 automaticly appear in the second window.

                 The header may be edited by the user, a feature  I
                 consider  very  useful.   For  example, if sombody
                 posts  an  article   to   both   btl.general   and
                 bell.general, you don't want to compound the error
                 by posting the followup to both  btl.followup  and
                 bell.followup.   [Yes,  I know readnews now allows
                 this too.]

                 If you change your mind about replying or  posting
                 a   followup  article,  exit  the  editor  without
                 writing the file.  A message will  appear  on  the
                 screen  to  inform  you  that the response was not

       l or  d    Causes  the  current  article  to  be  displayed.
                 Display  of  the  current article is turned off by
                 commands which scramble the screen (!, f, and  r).
                 My  feeling here is that the user frequently wants
                 to respond to an article and then  go  on  to  the
                 next  article;  she/he shouldn't be forced to wait
                 while the current  article  is  rewritten  to  the
                 screen.   The  l  command  will also redisplay the
                 article  if  the   help   message   is   currently
                 displayed.  The mnemonic significance of l is that
                 is similar to control-L, which redraws the screen.

       N         Go to a different newsgroup.  You are prompted for
                 a  newsgroup name.  A null newsgroup name gets the
                 next group, the name "-" gets the previous  group.
                 The  semantics  of this command are obscure; I can
                 only refer  you  to  the  equally  unenlightenning
                 description  of  the  N  command  in  the readnews
                 documentation.  If vnews is invoked  with  the  -x
                 and  -r options, N with a null newsgroup name will
                 exit vnews.

       #         Prints the numbers of the current article and  the
                 last article in the current newsgroup.

       ^L        Rewrites the screen.  CONTROL-L may  be  typed  at
                 any time.

                                  - 5 -

       D         Decrypts a joke.  It only handles  rot  13  jokes.
                 The  D  command  is a toggle; typing another D re-
                 encrypts the joke.

       <         Prompts for an article ID or the rest of a message
                 ID.  It will display the article if it exists.

       A         Go to the article numbered count  in  the  current
                 newsgroup.    Regretably,   no  error  message  is
                 produced if the article  doesn't  exist.   Instead
                 vnews  starts  from  count  and continues skanning
                 until it finds and article.

       p         Gets you the parent article (the article that  the
                 current  aricle  is  a followup to).  This doesn't
                 work if the current article was posted by A new or
                 notesfile.    To  get  back  to  from  the  parent
                 article, use the b  command.   Unfortunately,  you
                 use  several  p  commands  to trace the discussion
                 back further, there is no command to get you back,

       s         Prompts you  for  a  file  name  and  appends  the
                 article to the file.  Depending on how the netnews
                 administrator set up your system, the article  may
                 have  a  "From  " line in front of it to allow the
                 file to be read using your mail program.

       w         Writes the article to a file without  the  article
                 header.   It is equivelant to "!sed 1',?^$/d' $A >
                 file" but  is  built  in  to  avoid  trashing  the
                 screen.  It is intended primarily for saving stuff
                 in net.sources.

       ?         Displays a synopsys  of  commands.   The  synopsys
                 will  be  removed  from  the  screen when the next
                 command is executed.  If you want  to  remove  the
                 synopsys  without  doing  anything else, use the d

       3.  BBBBuuuuggggssss aaaannnndddd WWWWiiiisssshhhh LLLLiiiisssstttt

         1.  If the posting date on  an  article  is  not  in  ARPA
             format,  vnews  will  mangle  it.  This won't normally
             affect you since inews  converts  all  dates  to  ARPA
             format,  but  you  may  encounter  this bug if you use
             vnews to look at old articles.

         2.  As with other visual interfaces, vnews does not handle
             typing  errors  gracefully.   Occasionally  I  hit the
             enter key on  my  terminal,  which  sends  the  entire

                                  - 6 -

             bottom  line.  If the prompt is "more? ", the "r" will
             be interpreted as a reply command and I can recover by
             simply  exiting  the  editor which vnews puts me into.
             If the prompt is "next? ", I exit news by sending it a
             quit  signal  (typing FS) and start all over again.  I
             have no real solution to this rpoblem.

         3.  There is some argument for always printing  the  first
             page  of  the  article  rather  than printing just the
             header and forcing the user to type a return.  At 9600
             baud,  this does not slow things down too much, and at
             slower speeds this might still be better for users who
             use   virtterm   (i.   e.  have  interruptable  screen
             updates).  I can't add an option to  readnews  without
             modifying  code outside visual.c, but if you want this
             feature simply delete code in  getnextart  which  sets
             the HDRONLY flag.

         4.  There should be an "unsubscribe to  followup"  command
             which  would prevent you from seeing further followups
             on a given topic.  This  would  remember  the  article
             title  and  not  show  you any more articles with that
             title or that title preceded by "Re: ".  The  list  of
             titles would be stored in a file together with a date,
             and vnews would strip entries more than  say  3  weeks
             old  when reading in the file.  Implementation of this
             idea is complicated by the  fact  that  the  notesfile
             system truncates titles.

         5.  An unsubscribe to person command is also  tempting  on
             occasion,  but  that  seems  to  violate the spirit of

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