whoops, forgot to provide linus.h with integrity.c

Steven M. Kramer smk at linus.UUCP
Wed Jun 29 12:08:25 AEST 1983

so here it is (some of the info here is superfluous for this program alone):
			L I N U S   I I I
			e n o n e
			a t t i c
			d o i x u
			i   c   r
			n   e   i
			g   a   t
			    b	y

	Copyright	October, 1982		Steven M. Kramer

		This header is part of the LINUS III Security package
	and is not to be reproduced, copied, or redistributed without
	the expressed consent of the author.  This header may not be
	redistributed for any commercial venture.  The author does not
	guarantee or promise in any way that the software works as
	advertised.  There may be outstanding problems with the software
	and the author is not responsible for any security, functional,
	or performance problems arising from this software.

/*	Standard UNIX header files needed for LINUS III	*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fstab.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <utmp.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ndir.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <lastlog.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

/*	Standard UNIX file used for LINUS III */

#define	MOUNT_TABLE			"/etc/mtab"
#define LAST_LOG			"/usr/adm/lastlog"

/*	Non-standard UNIX files used for LINUS III */

/*	Temp file for attaching	*/
#define	TEMP				"/etc/attach"
/*	Timeout file that is settable on the fly	*/
#define TIMEOUT				"/etc/timeout"
/*	Permissions for initialize/attach/detach	*/
#define	PERMISSIONS			"/etc/fstypes"
/*	Name of fsck-expected file for new file systems	*/
#define	LOSTFOUND			"lost+found"
/*	Temporary (already-existing) directory needed to
	initialize file systems	*/
#define	MOUNT_DIRECTORY			"/mnt"
/*	All LINUS III privileges are recorded here	*/
#define	ACCT				"/usr/adm/privcmdacct"
/*	The file containing a record of all kills from force */
#define	IDLE_LOG			"/usr/adm/forcelog"

/*	Programs used by LINUS III (including full pathname)	*/
#define	FSCK				"/etc/fsck"
#define	MOUNT				"/etc/mount"
#define	UMOUNT				"/etc/umount"
#define	NCHECK				"/etc/ncheck"
#define	MKFS				"/etc/mkfs"
#define MKLOSTFOUND			"/etc/mklost+found"

/*	Programs used by LINUS III (not including
	full pathname)	*/
#define	MAKE_DIRECTORY			"mkdir"
#define	REMOVE				"rm -r"

/*	Various definitions used throughout LINUS III	*/

/*	For type boolean	*/
#define	TRUE				1
#define	FALSE				0
/*	For access(2) call	*/
#define	READ				4
#define	WRITE				2
#define EXECUTE				1
/*	One minute in units  used by time(2) and stat(2) [seconds] */
#define	AMINUTE				(60L)
/*	Maximum number of users ever expected */
#define	MAXUSERS			200
#define	FLOPPY				"rx"
#define	OWNER_OF_LOSTFOUND		"root"
/*	To shield attach temp files from others	*/
#define	PROTECTED_MODE			(0600)
#define	LINE_SIZE			500
/*	For sizing mount_table_template structure	*/
#define	NAMSIZ				32
/*	Owners of files systems get this mode for their
	file systems they just created with initialize	*/
/*	Initialize gives this mode to the
	LOSTFOUND file	*/
/*	Maximum full count of characters in
	a full pathname of a program	*/
#define	COUNT				200
/*	Parameters for the read program	*/
#define	TO				0
#define	FROM				1
/*	maximum size of a user's name on the system	*/
#define	USER_SIZE			9
#define	MAX_FILE_SIZE	(sizeof ("/tmp/_senx") + USER_SIZE)
#define eq(x,y)				(!strcmp(x,y))

#define	S_IGREAD			0000040
#define	S_IGEXEC			0000010

#define	signal				sigset

/*	Boolean type defined here for convenience	*/
typedef int boolean;

/*	Files where special user privileges are defined	*/
char   *PRIV = "/usr/adm/allow.\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000";

/*	External system declarations	*/
extern struct passwd   *getpwuid ();
extern struct passwd   *getpwnam ();
extern struct passwd   *getpwent ();
extern struct group *getgrnam ();
extern struct group *getgrgid ();
struct fstab   *getfsent ();
extern  time_t time ();
extern  FILE * popen ();
extern char *sprintf ();
extern char *ctime ();
extern char *strcpy ();
extern char *strcat ();
extern char *index ();
extern char *rindex ();
extern char *getlogin ();
extern char *mktemp ();
extern char *fgets ();
extern char *malloc ();
extern char *re_comp ();
extern char *ttyname ();

/*	External LINUS III declaration	*/
extern  void finish ();

/*	Structure used by initialize/attach/detach file system
	programs	*/
struct mount_table_template
    char    file[NAMSIZ];
    char    spec[NAMSIZ];
--steve kramer
	{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!smk	(UUCP)
	linus!smk at mitre-bedford						(ARPA)

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