list of cross compilers

tim at ucf-cs.UUCP tim at ucf-cs.UUCP
Sat Jun 4 05:35:30 AEST 1983

(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

    Any Unix machine, or other machine capable of running the Portable
    C Compiler.

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

    Any 8086 or 8088 system with an assembler accepting Intel
    mnemonics.  There is no run-time support supplied with the

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

    Send me a photocopy of your Unix source license (signature page is
    fine), a blank tape, and a self-addressed, stamped return mailer.
    I can also supply it via Arpanet.

(4) Who to contact about it

    Jim Rees
    Computer Science Dept. FR-35
    University of Washington
    Seattle, Wa. 98115
    (206) 545-0912

(5) Comments/Caveats

    I originally got this compiler from Chris Terman at MIT, who was
    using it with his own (non-Intel) assembler.  I fixed it to produce
    Intel compatible assembly code, and to use the segment registers.
    It uses the Intel "long" model, so is not restricted to 64K.  The
    port is far from complete, and I won't be doing any more work on
    it, but it will compile simple programs.  It won't compile itself.

(6) Information Supplied By:
	Jim Rees  <jim at uw-beaver>
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	The distribution of Decus C (Public-domain C system for Dec operating
	systems such as RSTS/E, RSX-11M, RT11, and VMS) contains several
	cross assemblers for machines such as the Z80 and 8085 (I think).
	Source code is in C, it should be possible to get it running on
	any system that supports C.

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

	It is distributed in source code and is in the public domain.

(4) Who to contact about it

	Decus C is distributed by the Digital Equipment Users Society as
	DECUS 11-SP-18.  Contact them for more details.

(5) Comments/Caveats
	There is no support available whatsoever.
	(I don't think I've even compiled it for about three years.)

(6) Information Supplied By:
	Martin Minow
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	The source machine can be VAX/VMS, RSX-11, (and possibly in the
	near future) PDP-11 Unix.

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

	The destination machines can be a 68K, or a PDP-11.  Much of their
	work is oriented to doing small stand alone systems, (e.g., DEC's
	Falcon board, single board 68K's.).

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

	Contact Oregon Software, 2340 SW Canyon Road, Portland OR, 97201.
	(phone is 503-226-7760).  Cost is just under $4k, but there is a good
	educational discount if the system is used for instructional used.

(4) Who to contact about it

	(same as above)

(5) Comments/Caveats

	This product is well supported, and comes with a wide varity
	of tools and available options.  Included with the system is
	a full symbolic debugger, a couple source formatting tools,
	and complete documentation.  Available as options are a
	concurrent programming package for developing, debugging &
	testing concurrent systems, and a "Stand alone" package for
	developing systems on target machines without an operating
	system.  Also available (pascal not required) is a source
	control system for DEC operating system that gives the same
	functionality as SCCS and Make, with additional programs for
	downloading systems to target machines.  The base price also
	includes a free year of technical-phone help and updates.

	Oregon Software will likely get into C in the future, but they
	don't have any products in that field yet.  I would be willing
	to answer questions net people have about them until they get
	on the net (I work for them occasionally).

(6) Information Supplied By:
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	It should run on any UNIX system, but it now works on
	PDP-11, moving to VAX

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

	target machines now: PDP-11, VAX, 68000, 8086; shortly Z80, 8080
	and others

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

	Availability expected earlier in the summer.  University price
	probably about $500 for sources.  Commercial price negotiated
	on a case by case basis, depending what rights the company wants
	(single/multiple cpu, binary/source right to sublicense etc.)

(4) Who to contact about it

	Contact is Andy Tanenbaum, at ...!decvax!mcvax!vu44!ast (Amsterdam)

(5) Comments/Caveats

	The Pascal front end is based on our PDP-11 UNIX Pascal compiler
	which is widely used in about 20 countries around the world.
	The object code quality is pretty good, although compiling on a
	badly overloaded PDP-11 is not real speedy.  The thing is very
	flexible, i.e. adding a new target machine just requires writing
	two tables, one for the code generator, one for the universal
	assembler.  The kit has many options, e.g. you can choose 16 or 32
	bit integers for C on the 68000.  It even comes with some

[Editor's note:]
	Some references to look up:	CACM, March 1978 p. 237
					TOPLAS Jan. 1982 p. 221
	A more recent CACM publication soon to appear.

(6) Information Supplied By:

	Andy Tanenbaum
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	CROSS is a cross assembler that runs on the DECsystem-10/20.

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

	Translating source code for 6502, 6800, 6805, 6809, 8080, 8085,
	MCS-48, z80, 1802, 3870/F8[future], and 8008 into binary files
	suitable for absolute load.

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

(4) Who to contact about it

	The documentation I have lists Ted Hess, Digital Equipment
	Corporation as the author and Joseph M. Newcomer,
	Carnegie-Mellon University as doing this documentation.

(5) Comments/Caveats

	It implements the featurs of the PDP-11 macro assembler for RSX-11D.

	It does not conform to input standards of other assemblers (eg, the
	manufacturers assembler), but instead uses the same input for all
	the microprocessors.  (ie, macros, labels, etc all look the same for
	the various target machines)

	I've used it quite a bit and found it fairly easy to use with only a
	few bugs (none that I couldn't get around - mostly having to do with

	At least for the 6502 (and others???) it produces either a binary
	file output or a Ascii encoded file of lines of Hex with checksums.

	My version of the documentation is dated Feb 7 1981.  I believe
	[RUTGERS]<MICRO> has the documentation and executable code.

(6) Information Supplied By:
	Tyson at SRI-AI
	Mabry Tyson <Tyson at SRI-AI>
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	To run on 11/70 and VAX. Based on Pcc.

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

	Source available for any UNIX licensee.
	Free, of course, just send tape.

(4) Who to contact about it

	Gil Berglass at MITRE in Virginia - 703-827-6087,
	or Berglass at Mitre on Arpa.

(5) Comments/Caveats

	Creates analogues of cc, nm, ld, and adb. It works well, does
	not support floats. The Z8000 is similar to an 11, so they are
	nice micros for some applications. We are using the non-segmented
	version (only 64K), so I don't know if the C compiler is available
	for the Z8000 (16 Mb address space).

(6) Information Supplied By:

(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	On our Vax 750 4.1bsd system we have the following:
	Packages: Unidot Cross Assembers, Linker, and Librarian:
	Runs On: Vax 4.1bsd, PDP-11 UNIX, Onyx UNIX

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

	8021, 8022, 8041, 8041A, 8048, 8051, 8080, 8085 8086, Z-80, Z-8000

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

    Availability: Anyone can receive (commerical software)
    Costs: Assembers:
             8080, 8085, Z-80: $600 each
             8048, 8021, 8022, 8041, 8041A, 8058, 8051: $800 each
             8086: $1000
             Z-8000: ???
           Linker: $600 (covers all of the processors)
           Librarian: $600 (covers all of the processors)
           Note: ALL of the above costs must be doubled for VAX use.

(4) Who to contact about it

	Santa Cruz Operation, (408) 425-7222

(5) Comments/Caveats

(6) Information Supplied By:
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	On our Vax 750 4.1bsd system we have the following:
	Runs on: Vax 4.1bsd, PDP-11 UNIX

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

	Packages: 8086 C Compiler and Assembler
	Supports: 8086, 8088

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/
	Availability: Anyone can receive (commercial software)
	Costs: 8086 C compiler: $1750
	       8086 Assember, linker: $1750

(4) Who to contact about it

	Darold Foster, Advanced Digital Products, (615) 383-7520

(5) Comments/Caveats

    Comments: The C compiler is not very efficient, no register variables
              We are using the assembler as an assembler and have had
                 difficulties due to poor documentation and missing
                 assembler features (such as no string constants).
              Note that the assembler is not very Intel compatible.

(6) Information Supplied By:
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

VANDATA Co. produces a Z-80 cross compiler which presently runs on/under:
	Z-8000 ZEUS (Zilog System 8000)
	Z-8000 ONYX (UNIX)
	Z-8000 ZENIX
	Z-8000 Plexus (UNIX)
	68000  Unisoft port UNIX (Pixel)

And may soon be available to run under:
	Others by special arrangement.

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

The compiler is good but not cheap.  Presently prices are $3200-$3800 possibly
less if you already have a Whitesmiths license.  Distribution is made on
magnetic media appropriate to the usual hardware configuration.

(4) Who to contact about it

	17544 Midvale Ave. N. Suite 107
	Seattle, WA 98133
	(206) 542-7611, (800) 426-5248

(5) Comments/Caveats

The compiler is a Whitesmiths Derivative.  The full C language is supported,
including bitfields and floating point.  Machine level support library (source)
is purchasable from VANDATA, and the Whitesmiths portable C runtime environment
for CP/M is available and supported.

The usual: assembler, linker, loader, librarian, and rel-file utility are
provided along with a number of useful tools including a multi-line regular
expression based stream editor.

A provision has been made for optional ROM/RAM environments, more compact
calling conventions and 8-bit expression evaluation.  If used, these options
generate better code, but are not standard C.  IEEE floating point may
also be available soon.

	(some comments on this package were submitted by another netter)
	We use the Vandata C cross compiler, target is z-80.  We are trying
	to bring up a BSO z80 cross assembler, but are doing file transfers
	over our network to a cp/m running microsoft asm/linker in the
	meantime.  Vandata's Asharp/linker package isn't useful to us because
	of the limitaions of the linker.

(6) Information Supplied By:
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	VAX + 4.1BSD with about 2000 disk blocks (2MB)

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "


		cross-development system for NS16000 chip set
			- cross-compiler for C
			- cross-assembler for NS16000
			- cross-loader
			- cross-debugger (adb)
			- data transfer programs
			- stand-alone ROM monitor
			- PROM-burner programs
			- 'virtual terminal' connect program

		* You connect a NS16000 development system of your choice
		  to the VAX via a terminal line.  Then you can work with
		  the development system from any terminal on the VAX; this
		  allows convenient sharing of the system.

	NS16000 development system (several sources possible, we
	use a hacked-up DB16000 on Multibus) with 16kbyte EPROM,
	8kb RAM, one asynch line.

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

		We have used this package in-house for our V7 port; it will
		be available when marketing and documentation are ready
		late April / early May.  Price yet to be announced.

(4) Who to contact about it

		Tom Linden
		Translation Systems, Inc.
		530 Atlantic Ave.
		Boston, MA

(5) Comments/Caveats

		* The assembler uses a simplified notation (relative to
		  that proposed by NS) that is similar to NS' notation
		  but looks a lot more like the usual minimalist UNIX style.

		* The assembler supports ALL NS16000 CPU, MMU, FPU, and
		  CSP (Custom Slave Processor) instructions.

		* At this time, floating point support in the C compiler
		  is not completed.  The C compiler is a modified PCC.

		* You need an ATT UNIX license to receive this product.

		* A subset of the BSD a.out format is used.  In general,
		  related BSD utilities are useful (i.e., nm, ar, size....)

		* You customize the sources for the ROM monitor, primarily
		  to accomodate your development system's async hardware.
		  Note that you only need ONE async line on the development
		  system; we run that line at 9600 baud.

		* TSI will also be selling source for its V7 port, later
		  to be upgraded to System V with demand paging.  You will
		  need an ATT UNIX source license to buy that package.

		* Details on this offering will be made public at the
		  16k User Group meeting in New York City, April 18.

(6) Information Supplied By:
	Mike Krueger
	Translation Systems, Inc.
(1) The Source Machine and Operating System and Configuration

	PDP-11 RT-11

(2) The Destination "   "     "        "     "       "

	INTEL 8085
	INTEL 8048/49

(3) Availability/Terms /* who can receive it, any cost, university discounts,
			  how to get it (tape,arpanet,usenet), etc.*/

	Available to anyone interested.

(4) Who to contact about it

	Tom Miller
	North Carolina State University

	tkm.unc at udel-relay

(5) Comments/Caveats

	The assemblers were written mostly in FORTRAN under RT-11.
	I will probably convert the sources to C unless I can get
	assemblers from someone on the network.

(6) Information Supplied By:
	Tom Miller
Tim Curry
USENET:  ucf-cs!tim
ARPANET: tim.ucf-cs at rand-relay

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