Fixes to NRO - (nf)

ron at trsvax.UUCP ron at trsvax.UUCP
Fri Sep 16 13:29:22 AEST 1983

trsvax!ron    Sep  1 09:44:00 1983

Well, you win some, you lose some.  I accidentially introduced three
bugs in the NRO sources released last week.  Here are the corrections.
(I have further bug fixes and enhancements which I will be releasing
very soon. One enhancement is an indexing page scheme.)

	In the function "defmac", change the line that reads:
		if((*p == '.') && (findcomm(p) == EN))
	to read:
		if((*p == '.') && (findcomm(p+1) == EN))

	In the function "maceval", change the line that reads:
	to read:

	In the function "addext", change the amount of space for
	variable "name" from 10 to 150.


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