A warp fix fix (and an apology)

estes at tty3b.UUCP estes at tty3b.UUCP
Thu Sep 1 07:27:13 AEST 1983

	Re: my warp fix for 4.0 and 5.0 users.

	nl() and nonl() macros are incorrectly defined.
	OCRNL should be ONLCR.  Sorry for the confusion.  On my terminal,
	it makes no difference, so I did not spot my error.  Hopefully,
	this will remedy the situation for those of you who said their
	ships were bouncing about on the screen.

	My sincerest apologies.

	Ted Estes
	Teletype Corp., Skokie IL
	{otuxa, we13, ihnp4}!tty3b!estes

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