Fixes to vnews terminal handler

Kenneth Almquist ka at spanky.UUCP
Wed Sep 21 12:54:32 AEST 1983

There are two problems with the virtterm terminal handler included with
vnews.  The first is that it doesn't handle the ti/te capabilities
correctly.  A diff of the changes required to fix this is given below.
Before you install this change, be sure that your termcap file is not
referring to the the ti capability by the name "ts".  The name ti is
correct according to the 4.1 BSD manual.

The second problem is that the arguments to the cs macro may be in the
wrong order for your termcap entry.  Vnews passes the top line of the
region as the first parameter and the bottom line as the second.  Now
my understanding is that the termcap entry for the vt100 provided with
4.1 BSD will only work if the arguments are given in the order used by
vnews but the termcap entry for the vt100 provided with 4.1C will only
work if the arguments are given in the reverse order from the order
used by vnews.  Since the 4.1 manual is completely silent on the order
of arguments to the cs parameter, I don't know which is correct.  So
if your termcap won't work with vnews, change either termcap or
virtterm.c as  you prefer.
					Kenneth Almquist

< #define TS _tstr[18]		/* start cursor mode */
> #define TI _tstr[18]		/* start cursor mode */
< static char sname[] = "hoclcdceupdousuebtbcaldlcmchcvcssfsrtstetacrpc";
> static char sname[] = "hoclcdceupdousuebtbcaldlcmchcvcssfsrtitetacrpc";
< 	if (TS != NULL)
< 		tputs(TS, 0, vputc);
> 	if (TI != NULL)
> 		tputs(TI, 0, vputc);
< 	if (TE != NULL)
< 		tputs(TE, 0, vputc);
> 	if (TE != NULL) {
> 		tputs(TE, 0, vputc);
> 		vflush() ;
> 	}

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