Suggestion for Those Who Post to net.sources

The devil himself daemon at decwrl.UUCP
Fri Aug 10 14:08:20 AEST 1984

Suggestion for Those Who Post to net.sources___________________________________

	The following was sent to and net.wanted.  I think it should
also be posted here, so here it is:

> To aid in extracting "shar" files that are posted as news articles, I
> suggest that all shar archives end with an "exit" statement.  This avoids
> the need to check for and delete trailing signature lines from saved shar-
> format articles.
> -- 
>  John Bruner (S-1 Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
>  MILNET: jdb at mordor.ARPA [jdb at s1-c]	(415) 422-0758
>  UUCP: ...!ucbvax!dual!mordor!jdb 	...!decvax!decwrl!mordor!jdb

	I think it's a great idea.

:::::::::::::::: Jym Dyer
::::'  ::  `:::: Nashua, New Hampshire
::'    ::    `::
::     ::     :: DYER%VAXUUM.DEC at DECWRL.ARPA
::   .::::.   :: {allegra|decvax|ihnp4|ucbvax}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-vaxuum!dyer
::..:' :: `:..::
::::.  ::  .:::: Statements made in this article are my own; they might not
:::::::::::::::: reflect the views of |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| Equipment Corporation.

P.S.:  Just so certain self-imposed traffic cops don't tie up Usenet phone
lines with pointless automatic mail to me complaining that I'm ruining their
lives by forcing them to remove my articles from their automatic net.sources
saving archives by hand, here's a VMS command procedure:

$!<* STATUS.COM________________________________________________________________
$!** 2-Aug-1984 - by <_Jym_Dyer_>
$!**  To take a peek at the status code.				    **!
$ Status = '$status'
$ if (p1 .nes. "") then Status = 'p1'
$ Error = f$message(Status)
$ show symbol/local Status
$ write sys$output Error
$ exit

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