boolean reduction program, 'qm'

Alan Wickstrom alan at wjvax.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 10:09:45 AEST 1984

Does anyone remember a source which appeared on the net quite
some time ago called, 'qm' ?  Did anyone try using it?

(FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T)	   qm would take a boolean specification in one of three
			   forms, truth table, expression, or kmap, and would
			   generate the minimal equations from same.

Did you notice that it took cpu *days* of time to turn out fairly simple
problems with as few as 6 variables ?

Is anyone interested in a heavily modified,
(hopefully an upgrade of several orders),
version which will be called 'superqm' ?


It runs in a very small fraction of the time 'qm' took.
It allows for maxterm specification as well as minterm.
It has provisions intended to make PALASM (tm MMI) work easier.
It can accept multi-output truth tables and produce equations
	for each output column in one swell foop.

If you have had any experiences with 'qm', or if you have any interest
in the new source, please respond by mail.   If enough queries come
in, I'll post the source for all.  Thanks.

	"A man's reach should exceed his grasp."	Alan Wickstrom
							Watkins-Johnson Co.
							San Jose, Calif.


	"A man's reach should exceed his grasp."	Alan Wickstrom
							Watkins-Johnson Co.
							San Jose, Calif.

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