an 84 char self duplicator and a question on linear programming

Larry Cipriani lvc at cbscc.UUCP
Thu Aug 23 13:38:46 AEST 1984

Well dear reader here I am again hacking away at my terminal at
strange hours; a last (I promise) submission by myself on
selfduplicating C programs.  Like the 84 character version
it must be compiled and executed once to squeeze out the 
terminating new line.  This one is only 78 characters long.

main(){char *a="main(){char *a=%c%s%c;printf(a,34,a,34);}";printf(a,34,a,34);}

Thanks to all who wrote,
				Larry Cipriani

P.S.  Does anyone have a C version of the Simplex algorithm used to solve
linear programming problems ?

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