Self Replication

Chris Sterritt chris at boulder.UUCP
Mon Aug 20 23:21:35 AEST 1984

<"Yields netnews when proceeded by its quotation"
 Yields netnews when proceeded by its quotation.>

Friends of self replication,

	Someone (I've forgotten whom) posted a shorter C
self-replicating program and mentioned it came from BYTE Magazine...
does anyone know which issue?  Anyway, here is a shorter version:
Please Note: this must be just one line in the file, but I've split it
to make it news-compatible (I don't KNOW that netnews programs require
a line to be under 80 columns... but better safe than sorry!).

main(){int q=34,r=10;char *a="main(){int q=34,r=10;char *a=%c%s%c;

	Reading it into this note says that it is 109 chars. Enjoy!

	Chris Sterritt
	"Help make the world safe for musical comedy!"

{ucbvax!hplabs | allegra!nbires | decvax!kpno | harpo!seismo | ihnp4!kpno}

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