Bib application

tim budd budd at arizona.UUCP
Wed Aug 22 09:16:17 AEST 1984

Recently I put together some Bib macros that can be used to perform automatic
address lookup for letters.  Those people with a working Bib, the following
two files are the description of how to use the macros and the appropriate
macros (which should be placed in /usr/lib/bmac or wherever you put your bib
--tim budd
: To unbundle, sh this file
echo unbundling info 1>&2
cat >info <<'End'
Another use for Bib
The programs Invert(1), Bib(1) and Lookup(1) can be used not only for
formatting bibliographic citations but in many other applications
requiring a database of records indexed by simple keywords, for example a
database of commonly used names and addresses.  This note will illustrate
how the \-tl style macros in Bib can be used with such a database to provide
the automatic lookup of addresses in generating letters.
In producing a database of names and addresses, the following fields should
be used.  As with reference databases, not every field is applicable in
every address, and fields can be listed in any order.
.IP %A
Individual name.
.IP %T
Title.  (for example: Editor, The Insignificant Journal )
.IP %D
Academic Department
.IP %I
.IP %N
Street Address
.IP %C
City and State
.IP %Z
Zip code
.IP %L
.IP %P
Phone number
.IP %K
Additional Keywords
The K field is not used in printing the address, however is convenient for
providing additional terms to simplify name lookup (``landlord'', or
``bigcheese'', for example).  Similarly the %P field is not used, but is
convenient when lookup is used to discover information in the database.
The \-tl style macro package defines the following macros:
.IP .Dy
The current date indented appropriately for a letter.
.IP .Ab
Address address begin.  See explanation below.
.IP .Ad
Address lookup.  See explanation below.
.IP .Ae
Address end.
.IP .De
Dear whomever salutation.
.IP .Sl
Ending salutation start
.IP .Se
Ending salutation end
.IP .Cc
Copy to ...
Ab and Ae can surround an
address placed directly into the letter text, as in the following example:
\&Sidney J. Slime
\&Editor, Journal of Insignificant Results
\&Department of Nonsense
\&University of North Dakota
\&Hople, North Dakota
\&.De "Professor Slime"
\&I wish to inquire as to the status of my paper 
\&"The Philanthropic Behavior of Slugs", submitted
\&five years ago to your journal.
\&I. M. Furious
\&.\&Cc "C. My Lawyer" "M. Y. Secretary"
Alternatively, an imprecise citation (see Bib(1)) can be written as an
argument to the \&.\&Ad macro; in this case 
the \&.\&Ab and \&.\&Ae macros are not required,
and if the L field is present in the database no \&.\&De macro
either.  For example, suppose a bib database contains the following entry:
%A Sidney J. Slime
%T Editor, Journal of Insignificant Results
%D Department of Nonsense
%I University of North Dakota
%C Hople, North Dakota
%L Professor Slime
Then the preceding letter could have been written:
\&.\&Ad [.slime results.]
\&I wish to inquire as to the status of my paper 
\&"The Philanthropic Behavior of Slugs", submitted
\&five years ago to your journal.
\&I. M. Furious
\&.\&Cc "C. My Lawyer" "M. Y. Secretary"
When automatically generated, address fields are listed in the order they
are given at the beginning of this note.  Other troff formatting commands
may be placed in the body of the letter, for example commands to produce a
letterhead can be placed before the \&.\&Dy macro,
or a postscript after the .Sl or .Cc command.
It would be nice if the macros centered the body of the letter vertically
in a pleasing manner, but they don't.
echo unbundling bib.l 1>&2
cat >bib.l <<'End'
#  form letter format
I BMACLIB/bibinc.fullnames
.ds CH
.ds CF
.de ][		\" format address automatically
.ds CR %
.if !~\\*([T~~ \\*([T
.if !~\\*([D~~ \\*([D
.if !~\\*([I~~ \\*([I
.if !~\\*([N~~ \\*([N
.if !~\\*([C~~ \\*([C
.if !~\\*([Z~~ \\h'1i'\\*([Z
.if !~\\*([L~~ .De \\*([L
.de Dy
.sp 2
.ti 4i
.de Ab			\" Address begin
.de Ae			\" Address end
.de De			\" Dear John: salutation
Dear \\$1:
.de Sl			\" The beginning of the end
.DS I 4i
.de Se			\" The end of the end
.de Cc			\" copy to (opps, more after the end)
.if t .ta 2m
.if n .ta 4m
cc:	\\$1
.if !~\\$2~~ \&	\\$2
.if !~\\$3~~ \&	\\$3
.if !~\\$4~~ \&	\\$4
.if !~\\$5~~ \&	\\$5
.if !~\\$6~~ \&	\\$6

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