shar files -- serious flame

Chris Seabrook cds at qtlon.UUCP
Tue Aug 7 06:58:59 AEST 1984

[ munch munch munch ]

	It is all very well and good discussing the niceties of comments,
lack of headers etc in shar files, but I have a slightly more general flame.
I have recently moved to a vax running sysV r2.0, lucky me you might say.
Now this is all very well and good, BUT, what happens when I save Joe Bloggs
magic program from net.sources, come to extract it and find those magic words
"extract with csh not sh" ?
	If we are going to have shar files of use to all members of the net
then stop using csh. Everyone has got sh so here's a big vote for using it.
		Chris Seabrook

UUCP:			{ENGLAND}!ukc!qtlon!cds
PHONE:			+44 1 637 7061

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