Thompson's self-reproducing program

Gary K. Sloane sloane at noscvax.UUCP
Fri Aug 24 02:32:24 AEST 1984

Compile this program as:  cc -o s s.c

system("cat s.c");

My friend Steve suggests the following alias in your .login:

		alias cat 'c \!*'

With the obvious byte-reducing benefits to s.c when modified accordingly...

    * **************************************************************** *
    * Gary K. Sloane/Computer Sciences Corporation/San Diego, CA 92110 *
    * DDD: (619) 225-8401                                              *
    * MILNET: sloane at nosc                                              *
    * UUCP: [ihnp4,akgua,decvax,dcdwest,ucbvax]!sdcsvax!noscvax!sloane *
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