new uucp protocol

Piet Beertema piet at mcvax.UUCP
Wed Aug 1 02:58:22 AEST 1984


Here is a new uucp protocol for use over X.25+PAD connections. It can
be used too on direct lines and 7-bit links, provided the receiving
machine is fast enough to handle high-speed flow control (e.g. no
11/45's etc.).

The reason for introducing this protocol:
In Europe there is an increasing tendency to switch uucp links (especially
the international links) from phone to X.25, because that would be both
faster and cheaper.
Initial tests however proved that this was *not* the case, due to (often
long) delays in the X.25 network. It turned out that with 4800 Baud lines
no effective speed higher than ~1200 Baud could be attained! Besides it
proved to be even more expensive than phone links.
The cause of this was the standard g-protocol which, when used over X.25,
exchanges more than 3 times as many packets as would be needed for the data.
Now the problem is that when you're using a PAD to link to the X.25 network,
you effectively have an async line, which *could* introduce errors, so you
can't use an X.25-dedicated protocol that doesn't control the data flow and
makes no security checks on the data. Besides special care should be taken
with control characters, that may be meaningful for a PAD.
The f-protocol given here overcomes these difficulties. It has been tested
now for about two months. On 4800 Baud links it can attain an effective
speed of ~4000 Baud. Pity is that I still haven't found a site in the USA
to test it with, so I can't say as yet what speeds can be reached on a
transatlantic link.

Adding this proto to uucico requires only two minor changes to the existing
- in cico.c the signals SIGINT and SIGQUIT must be ignored not only in
  MASTER mode, but also in SLAVE mode. Move the corresponding lines to
  before the "if (Role == MASTER) {" line.
- in cntrl.c a line "sleep(2);" must be added before "WMESG(HUP, "");" to
  prevent timing problems during f-proto turnon.

WARNING: if you've installed this proto and have a phone link to a site
	 that has installed it too, you must hack the sources to prevent
	 selection of it on a phone link or use a separate uucico for
	 that link.

Here's the source of the f-proto, fio.c:

 * fio.c; flow-control protocol.
 * This protocol relies basically on flow control of the
 * data stream. It is meant for working over links that
 * can (almost) be guaranteed to be errorfree, like direct
 * or X.25 links.
 * It carries out a sumcheck over a whole file only. If a
 * file transport fails the receiving side can request
 * retransmission(s).
 * This protocol uses a 7-bit datapath only, so it can be
 * used on links that are not 8-bit transparent.
 * Author: Piet Beertema, CWI, June 1984.

#include "uucp.h"
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef SIII
#include <termio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#endif SIII
#include <setjmp.h>

#define MAXRETRIES	1	/* max. attempts to retransmit a file */
#define FBUFSIZ		256

static int chksum;
static jmp_buf Ffailbuf;

static falarm()
	longjmp(Ffailbuf, 1);

static int (*fsig)();

#ifndef SIII
#define termio	sgttyb
#endif SIII

	int ret;
	struct termio ttbuf;

	ioctl(Ifn, TCGETA, &ttbuf);
#ifdef SIII
	ttbuf.iflag = IXOFF|IXON|ISTRIP;
	ttbuf.c_cc[4] = FBUFSIZ > 64 ? 64 : FBUFSIZ;
	ttbuf.c_cc[5] = 5;
	ttbuf.sg_flags = ANYP|CBREAK|TANDEM;
#endif SIII
	ret = ioctl(Ifn, TCSETA, &ttbuf);
	ASSERT(ret >= 0, "STTY FAILED", "", ret);
	fsig = signal(SIGALRM, falarm);
	return 0;

	(void) signal(SIGALRM, fsig);
	return 0;

fwrmsg(type, str, fn)
register char *str;
int fn;
char type;
	register char *s;
	char bufr[MAXMSGLEN];

	s = bufr;
	*s++ = type;
	while (*str)
		*s++ = *str++;
	if (*(s-1) == '\n')
	*s++ = '\r';
	(void) write(fn, bufr, s - bufr);
	return 0;

frdmsg(str, fn)
register char *str;
register int fn;
	register char *smax;

	if (setjmp(Ffailbuf))
		return FAIL;
	smax = str + MAXMSGLEN - 1;
	for (;;) {
		(void) alarm(MAXMSGTIME);
		if (read(fn, str, 1) <= 0)
			return FAIL;
		if (*str == '\r')
		if (str++ >= smax)
			return FAIL;
	*str = '\0';
	(void) alarm(0);
	return 0;

fwrdata(fp1, fn)
FILE *fp1;
int fn;
	register int flen, alen, ret;
	register char *obp;
	char ibuf[FBUFSIZ];
	char ack;
	long abytes, fbytes;
	time_t t1, t2;
	struct sgttyb sgtty;

	ret = FAIL;
	chksum = 0xffff;
	abytes = fbytes = 0L;
	while ((flen = fread(ibuf, sizeof (char), FBUFSIZ, fp1)) > 0) {
		if ((alen = fwrblk(fn, ibuf, flen)) < 0)
			goto acct;
		fbytes += flen;
		abytes += alen;
	sprintf(ibuf, "\176\176%4x", chksum);
	alen = strlen(ibuf);
	if (write(fn, ibuf, alen) == alen) {
		abytes += alen;
		DEBUG(8, "%d\n", 6);
		DEBUG(8, "checksum: %4x\n", chksum);
	if (frdmsg(ibuf, fn) < 0) {
		ack = 0;
		goto acct;
	ack = ibuf[0];
	DEBUG(8, "got ack: '%c'\n", ack);
	if (ack == 'G')
		ret = 0;
	sprintf(ibuf, ret == 0 ?
		"sent data %ld bytes %ld secs" :
		"send failed after %ld bytes %ld secs",
		fbytes, t2 - t1);
	DEBUG(1, "%s\n", ibuf);
	sysacct(abytes, t2 - t1);
	if (ack == 'R') {
		DEBUG(4, "RETRY:\n", 0);
		fseek(fp1, 0L, 0);
		goto retry;
	return ret;

frddata(fn, fp2)
register int fn;
register FILE *fp2;
	register int flen;
	register char eof;
	char ibuf[FBUFSIZ];
	int ret, alen, retries = 0;
	long abytes, fbytes;
	time_t t1, t2;

	ret = FAIL;
	chksum = 0xffff;
	abytes = fbytes = 0L;
	do {
		if ((flen = frdblk(ibuf, fn, &alen)) < 0)
			goto acct;
		if (eof = flen > FBUFSIZ)
			flen -= FBUFSIZ + 1;
		fbytes += flen;
		abytes += alen;
		if (fwrite(ibuf, sizeof (char), flen, fp2) != flen)
			goto acct;
	} while (!eof);
	ret = 0;
	sprintf(ibuf, ret == 0 ? 
		"received data %ld bytes %ld secs" :
		"receive failed after %ld bytes %ld secs",
		fbytes, t2 - t1);
	DEBUG(1, "%s\n", ibuf);
	sysacct(abytes, t2 - t1);
	if (ret) {
		if (retries++ < MAXRETRIES) {
			DEBUG(8, "send ack: 'R'\n", 0);
			fwrmsg('R', "", fn);
			fseek(fp2, 0L, 0);
			DEBUG(4, "RETRY:\n", 0);
			goto retry;
		DEBUG(8, "send ack: 'Q'\n", 0);
		fwrmsg('Q', "", fn);
	} else {
		DEBUG(8, "send ack: 'G'\n", 0);
		fwrmsg('G', "", fn);
	return ret;

frdbuf(blk, len, fn)
register char *blk;
register int len;
register int fn;
	register int ret;

	if (setjmp(Ffailbuf))
		return FAIL;
	(void) alarm(MAXCHARTIME);
	ret = read(fn, blk, len);
	return ret <= 0 ? FAIL : ret;

/* Byte conversion:
 *   from        pre       to
 * 000-037       172     100-137
 * 040-171               040-171
 * 172-177       173     072-077
 * 200-237       174     100-137
 * 240-371       175     040-171
 * 372-377       176     072-077

fwrblk(fn, ip, len)
int fn;
register char *ip;
register int len;
	register char *op;
	register int sum, nl;
	char obuf[FBUFSIZ * 2];

	DEBUG(8, "%d/", len);
	op = obuf;
	nl = 0;
	sum = chksum;
	do {
		if ((sum <<= 1) & 0x10000)
		sum = ((sum & 0xffff) + (*ip & 0377)) & 0xffff;
		if (*ip & 0200) {
			*ip &= 0177;
			if (*ip < 040) {
				*op++ = '\174';
				*op++ = *ip++ + 0100;
			} else
			if (*ip <= 0171) {
				*op++ = '\175';
				*op++ = *ip++;
			else {
				*op++ = '\176';
				*op++ = *ip++ - 0100;
			nl += 2;
		} else {
			if (*ip < 040) {
				*op++ = '\172';
				*op++ = *ip++ + 0100;
				nl += 2;
			} else
			if (*ip <= 0171) {
				*op++ = *ip++;
			} else {
				*op++ = '\173';
				*op++ = *ip++ - 0100;
				nl += 2;
	} while (--len);
	chksum = sum;
	DEBUG(8, "%d,", nl);
	return write(fn, obuf, nl) == nl ? nl : FAIL;

frdblk(ip, fn, rlen)
register char *ip;
int fn, *rlen;
	register char *op, c;
	register int sum;
	register int len, nl;
	char buf[5];
	int i;
	static char special = 0;

	if ((*rlen = len = frdbuf(ip, FBUFSIZ, fn)) < 0)
		return FAIL;
	DEBUG(8, "%d/", len);
	op = ip;
	nl = 0;
	sum = chksum;
	do {
		if (*ip >= '\172') {
			if (special) {
				DEBUG(8, "%d", nl);
				special = 0;
				op = buf;
				i = --len;
				while (i--)
					*op++ = *ip++;
				while (len < 4) {
					i = frdbuf(&buf[len], 4 - len, fn);
					if (i < 0)
						return FAIL;
					DEBUG(8, ",%d", i);
					len += i;
					*rlen += i;
				sscanf(buf, "%4x", &chksum);
				DEBUG(8, "\nchecksum: %4x\n", sum);
				if (chksum == sum)
					return FBUFSIZ + 1 + nl;
				else {
					DEBUG(4, "Bad checksum\n", 0);
					return FAIL;
			special = *ip++;
		} else {
			if (*ip < '\040') {
				/* error: shouldn't get control chars */
				special = 0;
				sum = chksum ? 0 : 0xffff;
			switch (special) {
			case 0:
				c = *ip++;
			case '\172':
				c = *ip++ - 0100;
			case '\173':
				c = *ip++ + 0100;
			case '\174':
				c = *ip++ + 0100;
			case '\175':
				c = *ip++ + 0200;
			case '\176':
				c = *ip++ + 0300;
			*op++ = c;
			if ((sum <<= 1) & 0x10000)
			sum = ((sum & 0xffff) + (c & 0377)) & 0xffff;
			special = 0;
	} while (--len);
	chksum = sum;
	DEBUG(8, "%d,", nl);
	return nl;
	Piet Beertema, CWI, Amsterdam

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